Interstellar Tunnel ends: Research team finds connections to other Sternensystemen

Interstellar Tunnel ends: Research team finds connections to other Sternensystemen

A team from the Leitung von Wissenschaftler: the Max Planck Institutes for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) has opened an interstellar tunnel in the Richtung des Sternbilds Centaurus. In one new study, die in the Zeitschrift Astronomy and astrophysics in the light, the forscher is described: in the tunnel as part of a different structural structure of the gas with a radius of hundreds of light, which is present Sonnensystem umgibt and if “Local Hot Bubble” (LHB) is known.

The new tunnel tunnel can create a connection

Der Tunnel can establish a connection at a location and nor a larger Superbubble signal. The phenomenon occurs in the history of erosion-himmelsdurchmusterung on the Spur.

The team’s complete erosion data is a new 3D model of the highest gases in the probe’s environment. Bee Erosita acts as one of the first X-ray observatories to operate outside the Erdatmosphäre.

“We were not aware of the existence of interstellar tunnels in the direction of the Centaurus, there is a clear path to interstellar medium penetration,” said the co-author of the study, Michael Freyberg, Astronomist at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. Deutschland . “This region was founded by the German job seeker erosita and another trade strategy in the Vergleich zu ROSAT, de Vorgänger des Weltraumteleskops, deutlich hervor.”

The existence of the Local Hot Bubble would first have undergone very nice years of theoretical development. It is therefore possible that the entire treatment of the sogenannten-intergrundstrahlung is carried out. As the tern systems fill with diffuse gas and staub clouds, the interstellar mediums – the Baustoff, the tern systems – become no longer dependent on the amount of low-energy X-ray emissions being absorbed for a long time before they can be continued.

Empfehlungen der Redaktion

Haben Supernovae interstellares Material einfach blown away?

It is more logical that our cosmic reach is based on basic knowledge. There is a local bubble. After the discovery of astronomical elements, this bubble was filled for four million years, when a chain of supernova explosions blew away all the interstellar material and created a space with a breakthrough of 1,000 light years. If we try to survive, the Supernova still won’t work.

After the theoretical analysis of the years without countless war, the concept could spend all the years in the years of the war of the sternhaufen, that is one of the boundless images, weiter unterstützt.

Is the cosmos a Netz interstellar tunnel?

The new research vermutet, the interstellar tunnel is a network of interstellar mediums that can help, that is the best Milchstrasse Erstreckt and by the Sternen-freigesetzte Energieexplosionen gebildet wird.

Go to the interstellar tunnel that has a large temperature gradient astronomically, the combined structure, the möglicherweise with früheren Supernova explosions Hang together, and the Local Bubble expands and more heat is available. While it is taking so long, in the near future, even in the last few million years, it will be another Supernova Explosion that has become possible.

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