Quelle: Blizzard
22.11.2024 at 2:00 PM –
The Zwillingsklingen of Azzinoth have found the Frostgram of the iconic Waffen in the History of Warcraft. Allerdings are the lives of the Burning Crusade graphically translated. A WoW fan featured in a video used an HD version of Illidans Waffen.
World of Warcraft with a powerful effect that lasts for two years and a completely iconic waffen reformed hat. It’s true that there are legendary Klingen and Stäbe, it’s poignant, that’s all. One of those legends is that he can’t play in the game and play a game. Dazu zählen die außergewöhnlichen Zwillingklingen von Azzinoth des berühmtesten Dämonenjägers in Warcraft – Illidan Sturmgrimm.
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As a result, the blades of Illidan Sturmgrimm were extremely difficult to obtain, and you were able to weld the blade alone as a legendary item. The border becomes a wonder, when a legendary hero in Burning Crusade held a pair in his hands. However, the Gleven were a Hingucker and were damned in Shattrath herumzierte, certainly themselves definitively die neidischen Blicke other Spieler.
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