Divasya Yogamatte Kork: Nachhaltiger Grip for fitness sessions

Divasya Yogamatte Kork: Nachhaltiger Grip for fitness sessions

Yoga ergreut sich in Deutschland wachsender Beliebtheit. Laut a study of the German Yoga Dachverbands praktizieren with 5 Millionen Menschen herezulande regular Yoga. The product can be processed in the focus after producing products. The Divasya Yogamatte Kork has become a trend dish.

Could it be that there is a functional and unhindered operation?

  • Product name: Divasya Yogamat Kork
  • Soul group: Die Matte focuses on a great yogi’s experience of all. View this comprehensive soul group movement that is currently being tested.
  • Technical data:
    • Size: 183cm x 66cm
    • Dick: 0.4cm
    • Weight: 2.7kg
    • Material: Upper surface from Portuguese Kork, Lower surface from natural grain from Vietnam
  • Characteristic:
    1. Rutschfeste Oberfläche: The natural korkoberfläche is subordinate to Schweiß Halt beets.
    2. Antimicrobial Wirkung: Kork hemmt von Nature aus das Wachstum von Bacterien en Pilzen.
    3. Natural materials: 100% natural, unprocessed material made of PVC or TPE.

Order Divasya Kork Yoga Mat in Divasya Online Shop!

Divasya Kork Yoga Mat

Product test

Test criteria:

Für den Test has the following critical definition:

  1. Packaging and original packaging
  2. Processing and material quality
  3. Rutschfestigkeit unter verschiedenen Bedingungen
  4. Dämpfung und Gelenkschonung
  5. Hygiene and care
  6. Transporter barkeit
  7. Validity for different Yoga styles
  8. Elongated length and shape stability
  9. Environmental friendliness
  10. Price-Leistungs-Verhältnis


I tested the Divasya Yogamatte intensively over a 7-day day. When you think of a 60-minute yoga session, it’s a matter of matte movement. The tests take place in my living room in Parkett and in the Yoga studio in Holzboden. When you have the Matte for a Hot Yoga Einheit experience, your life is an extreme form of relaxation.


The Divasya Yogamatte comes in one of the most exciting cardboard packaging. When the device is this soft, the hollow Duft des Korks is gone. The Matte is a good combination and with a lagengurt from the Baumwolle fixier. Zusätzlich lies a Schutzhülle from Baumwolle. The packing power is high and the duration of the end of the journey is a waste of time.


The embedding is a matter of thinking. When the slowgurts come out of the oven, this mat rolls out on its own and lies softly on the bottom. It’s not that the matte color is that easy.

Divasya Kork Yoga Mat

Test version and tester history:

Tag 1: First Eindrücke
If you contact the previous time, the first waiter fläche of the korks is finished. The matte color is high and stable on the bottom. During most yoga sessions I notice that the grip is so soft that my hand no longer works. Moisture drainage is no longer possible, but there is no malfunction.

Tag 2: Intensive Vinyasa Practice
I tested my Matte in a fast-paced Vinyasa show. With zunehmender Feuchtigkeit improves its grip tatsächlich noch. Independent balance sheet positions that leave the leading position in their own right and not away. The Breite von 66 cm is located on the Platz in front of all buildings.

Tag 3: Yin Yoga and Bodenübungen
While summarizing the position of the Yin Yoga, the dampening is caused by the man and it is no longer possible. If the Liège position lasts longer, people’s hearts will be lost. For people with empfindlichen it may be wise to do this.

Tag 4: Hot Yoga Challenge
The big amount of heat: a 90-minute Hot Yoga session at 38°C. Linie’s matte finish. Even at the limit of the grip, the top surface will not be rough. The anti-microbial effect of the corks is not visible – after use the matte is neutral, not after cleaning.

Tag 5: Outdoor Yoga in the Park
With an Outdoor Session you say that the weight is high: the transport is worth a lot. If you hold the matte color, it will remain stable and dry. The natural basis prevents spoilage on the empty foundations.

Tag 6: Cleaning and protection
Afterwards you will enjoy more intensive care in terms of care. A light touch with milder effects helps to cleanse the matte surface. They work quickly and keep their shape. Allerdings are noticed by the first light breakdown and strong bean sprouts.

Tag 7: Abschließende Bewertung
In one of the following yoga sessions I will reflect on my experience of the week. The matte hat can be quickly achieved. Except that the Rutschfestigkeit takes place under all conditions. The biological properties are a big plus, which have anti-microbial effect.

Divasya Kork Yoga Mat

Personal Endruck:

When a more intensive exercise is performed in the Divasya Yogamatte Kork. The reforming grip, beyond Schweiß, is a real highlight.

“After all, a matte finish can be obtained from the Vinyasa flows, but it is also a good example.

The natural material is informed and poured into the air in no time.

All reviews are critical: the weight of 2.7 kg is matte and transport-free.

Another tester noted: “For yogis, the weight can be a deal breaker.”

You cannot ignore the humidity of the Nutzer race, especially at Bodenübungen.

Divasya Kork Yoga Mat

Vorstellung der Marke Divasya

Divasya Yogaorganized 2022 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, connects urbanes Flair with the Essenz of Yoga. The name “Divasya”, Sanskrit for “shining”, reflects the philosophy more broadly, products to buy, the yoga practices for bringing radiance.

Background information:

  • Ursprung: The idea appeared in 2010 during a trip through the North Indies.
  • Unternehmenswerte: Nachhaltigkeit and functional stones in focus.
  • Product palette: Neben Yoga Mats contain Divasya Yoga Block, Knee Pads, Handtücher and Yoga-Schmuck and.
  • Special Entwicklungen: A special approach to heat transfers connects Kork and Naturkautschuk with chemical Klebstoffe.
  • Reputation: Divasya has a high standard of experience, a world-friendly yoga product establishment.
  • Kundensupport: Kostenlose Rücksendungen innerhalb Deutschlands und een über die gesetzliche Gewährleistung hinausgehende Garantie.

De Marke continues to develop innovative production methods. It is a fact that young people still have no idea about the market for yoga classes for their establishments.

Divasya Kork Yoga Mat


The Divasya Yoga Mat is characterized by its innovative Rutschfestigkeit, under the snowy treibenden conditions, and its extremely friendly materials. The anti-microbial effect of the washing machine and its easy cleaning are further advantages.

The biggest advantage is that the weight of the yogis is higher than the weight that their mat often transports. The wetting can start for a single Nutzer, especially at the Bodenübungen, no longer visible.

The price of approx. 80 € is in stock Segment angesiedelt, aber views of the Quality and Nachhaltigkeit justified. The quality of PVC Mats is an excellent choice for a pleasant atmosphere and hygiene.

The divasya yoga mats are better than the best yogis, containing natural materials and practicing a very challenging yoga style. For a better or more situated yoga practice, it may be more attractive to increase performance and weight.

It is worth giving the Divasya Yoga Mat a higher option for active yogis, which only offers quality and quality and it was more to invest.

Order Divasya Kork Yoga Mat in Divasya Online Shop!


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