Publishing houseNovember 29, 2024, 10:45 PM
Luxembourg“Fat Freddy’s Drop” spells Atelier-Gipfel with sonnigem Sound
LUXEMBOURG – The Atelier presents the highest frequency of a bonbon of rhino music: «Fat Freddy’s Drop» schmeicheln Ohren and Tanzbein des generated clubgoers with their new album «Slo Mo».
Karsten Neukirchen
The national groove machine «Fat Freddy’s Drop» performed its work as a great live band in the highest Freitag in the Verkauften atelier in Luxembourg alle Ehre. With my new album «Slo Mo» in the package, the eight musicians and mitreißende performances fall: Gemeinsamer Nenner aller Nummern war der treibende Groove, über den sich ein breit gefächerter Stil-Mix entfaltetetetete, der vor allem eins Kracht – in die Beine gehen. From classic Soul, Funk, Reggae, Electro-Country-Soul Dance-Funk, Afrobeats or Electro-Dance – the songs are all with a light intensity. These cases are about the complexity of the arrangements. If you start with Anfang:
At 7.40 pm the Saal started to fill up. In fell Ecken speaks man German. Publikum gemischt. Young, hip city houses, an increasingly large person, the possibilities of a Zeitreise Portal in that kind of thing, if they were not yet young and hip themselves. Bartträger, flochtene Zöpfe and Micky Maus Pullover are on the floor and are playing the Pop-Priest, the musical Abendmahl-kredzen woolen.
Um Punkt 20 Uhr bit “Fat Freddy’s Drop” and Support Act Louis Baker on the stage and gleich after the first Tonen stimulated the Publikum with Gesang ein. Spätesten if «Purple Rain» by Prince is hidden, all Ohren and Herzen is on the page. 30 Minutes Später lässt is het Publikum klatschend zurück, um Platz für den Haupt-Act zurück:
Vocal, Trumpet, Posaune, Saxophone, Gitarre, Keyboard, Bass, Schlagzeug and Drum Machines have been created, the publication einem Kochtopf gleich zum Brodeln brings. Jannik from Trier can put a stop to it. ‘If I can no longer start, then I am a complete person. I think this Posaune, this Klangkristalle, is that one. Hab sie schon mal in Neuseeland gesehen…» It would be a warmer habit. When the treibends Beats the next Winter quickly forget.
Vergessen wird die Show bestimmt von vader nicht. “That war is so good. It could be a problem. Buy Muss tomorrow. I will tan all night now.”
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