Blitzer Alarm in Straubing: We’ve had radar control since!

Blitzer Alarm in Straubing: We’ve had radar control since!

Vorfall Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung
Uhrzeit 16:01
Ort Straubing, Ittling

On Samstag, on December 21, 2024, in Straubing, especially in Stadtteil Ittling, the wind energy was transmitted by the mobile Blitzer. Laut active messages von Were there a Blitzer im Bereich SRs 12, Postleitzahl 94315, notices that there is a high wind speed of 60 km/h in the area. That location was reported on the day of the 4:01 p.m., the Notnauwenkeit an angepassten Fahrweise unterstreicht, a pace that would bring them Vernunft and the Safety on the Road zu therehöhen.

Bußgelder and Blitzertätigkeit in Germany

The German Blitzerüberwachung is an important theme, which is also followed in other regional active areas. Who auf Erläutert wird, sind mobile Blitzer is flexible in use and became a construction set that is used on country roads and highways. If all goes well, there is a problem with the development and traffic safety of the gewährleists. Drakanic penalties: If you drive at 21 km/h at a speed of 21 km/h, you will have to pay a sum of 70 euros and a ticket in Flensburg. If an excess of 41 km/h costs 160 euros, the losses will be the same as a Monat Fahrverbot.

The Stadiumgoers are so surprised that the Unity of Geschwindigkeit is no longer for their own security aspect, which is an unreliable form of monetary policy for avoidance. At that time it is important to clear, the mobile Blitzer is no longer in the city, go to the Bundesstraßen and the effective highways when you perform the automatic check. Traffic control is therefore important, if the previous limits are stopped, an insignificant financial burden for avoiding and security for all traffic drivers.

Ort des Geschehens

Analyze Quellen, the best report: 15
Social media comments analyzed: 127
Analysis of the analysis: 13


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