Partnership business is volatile. Ein Blick zu fell, and Schon thinks it will happen more. It’s a game now. So who at Alexander Dobrindt, CSU, and Felix Banaszak von den Grünen. Man begegnet eeninander at ZDF-Talk „Maybrit Illner“ friendly after the Motto: Everything is possible, no matter what. Is this a topic of discussion, with the theme “Viele Ideas, wenig Geld – Wahlkampf der teuren Versprechen?”
First, it’s the right tone. The SPD participant Lars Klingbeil will drive away the great Schlumpf Olaf. “Das gehort im Wahlkampf dazu, dass sich die Tonart verschärft.” Er habe das Wort “Tünkram” gar nicht kanannt, das sein Kanzler Scholz seinem Widersacher Friedrich “Fritze” Merz a den Kopf shipyard. “You must be careful with your Kanzler, you must leave alone,” said Klingbeil.
Küche, Heizungskeller, Regierungsbank: Dear Robert Habeck
When Felix follows Banaszak at “Maybrit Illner”, he notes: A Kanzler schwach has been found. The Union may not be there. There is an idea from Robert Habeck, a kitchen of the Republik, which has a German style. That’s cool, there’s nothing wrong. And Alexander Dobrindt said: “Robert Habeck is the face of the crisis.” Diesen Kollegen will say more: “Nicht in der Küche, nicht in Heizungskeller, nicht auf der Regierungsbank.”
At “Maybrit Illner” with a German Donnerstag, a Schwarz-Grün small Chance hat. This is a letztlich now a Schwarz-Rot gebennnn. Lars Klingbeil thought we could say more of Floskeln: “Wer kümmert sich um die Alltagssorgen der Menschen?” Of course, we don’t want an answer, so that’s it – we’ve been there since. Wir, die SPD. That Union is in Geberlaune. “It’s nice to be here,” says Landesgruppenchef Dobrindt. And what Lars Klingbeil thinks about it: “There is no power in the world.”
Dobrindt has a single Anti-Grün-Antkruid
If Union and Felix Banaszak can no longer spend the day. “That’s not all bad people, the policy is strong,” Banaszak postulates, with a look at the Green Parteifreunde. And you need that, that the activities in the large cities are large. You may end up in the Rot-Grün-regierten Stadt München. Tag reformatted ansehen.
If Mutti has never been bothered by the Kita with Latte Macchiato, he is a driver of the Kinder in Q7 – Service car of the Gatten – of Hockey or a Personal Trainer at the Tennis Club. Grün is intestine. It’s so bad that the man was an irgendet who wasn’t needed. The green world in the Großstädten is a problem, most luxury problems could not even be like that.
Das Heizgesetz? Alexander Dobrindt said: “We will naturally undergo an abolition.” A man who deprived the CSU man of an anti-green antwort in the runde beim Talk in ZDF: “Man notes that this is not possible.”
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