Maisach- I am Upper Bavarian The district of Fürstenfeldbruck has undergone a change for eleven years during a gezündeten Feuerwerkskörper schwere Verbrennungen erlitten.
With a Feuerwerksnaller, the Freitagmittag is an Elfjähriger schwer lost. (Symbol image) © Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
If you start the Bundespolizeirektion Munich at the Sonntag, you will start at the Maisach S-Bahn stop at 12.15 pm.
You will die when you are in the middle of nowhere and be flown into a hospital with a retungshubschrauber.
Der Accident passerte, nachdem a 14-Jähriger a sogenante bodenfeuerwirbel zündete and awaywarf. That lands in Jackenkragen des Opfers and burns to death.
Tyrol bang on: Fahrverbote and Wochenenden meet in Kraft!
At the age of 14 with the search for trade or working with fresh products in the country choice of the options offered, not even in the breakdown. The roads have been given a new lease of life.
“Their eleven years are able to meet the requirements of the fire brigade staff, which means that they are also subject to administrative supervision. They set up the Notrufkette in Gang”, according to the Federal Police Directorate. Munich provided
“Der 14-year entfernte sich zunächst for Eintreffen der Polizei vom Tatort, begin sich aber kurze Zeit später im Beisein eines Erziehungsberechtigten self zur Polizeiwache.”
Laut Untersuchungen im Krankenhaus erlitt der Elfjährige Verbrennungen 2. Degrees in Schulter- und Halsbereich.
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