The police in Upper Franconia are responsible for their own possession of more kilos of balls from the Czech Republic. (Symbolbild) Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Rund zehn Tage vor dem Jahreschsel hat der teils illegal Umgang mit Feuerwerkskörpern die Polizei in Bayern beschäftigt. An Elfjähriger works in the Oberbayerischen Maisach (Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck) due to a sogenante bodenfeuerwirbel who is lost. In the 14th century, the work took place in the Freitagmittag, which led to the conclusion that the young people believed that he was a police officer. A Hubschrauber brought the Elfjährigen with Verbrennungen zweiten Grades to Krankenhaus. 14 years ago there was a whistle and the police came. If the feuerwerk is discovered in the Kragen-steckte or another country, the war will be unclear.
Gefährliche Lagerung in Privatgarage
Ebenfalls am Freitag setlten Polizisten in a private garage in Memmingen 5.2 Tonnes Fireworks officers personally, who are living there, who is he. A garage is one of the most commonly used bearing areas for such a large quantity. The Verantwortlichen is now another road that is no longer suitable for the Sprengstoffgesetz.
4.5 Kilogramm Böller beschlagnahmten Grenzpolizisten am Samstag nahe dem oberfränkischen Selb (Wunsiedel District) of three Männern. From 19 to 21 years, the verbotene Feuerwerkskörper in Tschechi kauft and sie with a car nach Deutschland wollen become. The men dare to follow the police after the check and tell them that they are now illegally distributing substances.
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