Top photos on Knopfdruck: tips for photography with the new iPhones
1 Photography and zooming with the new button
2 In the enhanced functions of the room navigation
3 Fehlbedienung der Kamerasteuerung verhindern
Alternative apps, Hauptkamera, Auflösung
JPEG XL, spatial video
Filter and barrel
1 Photography and zooming with the new button
One of the most important new developments in all iPhones from 2024 is the camera support, the taste of the Edge rights. It is good to sit in the Rahmen and work with saphir glass. A case in which the Touch control is continued or used, the stelle is as little as possible an Aussparung. Press the button, click on the Kamera App. If you display iPhones in a different way, you can click more (with iOS 18.2 you come with the option, this display in the “Settings > Anzeige & Helligkeit” to the next). About a few other flavors you can see a photo.
The camera support is still better if there is a way out. Click on the multi-function option to see more options: Tap and Erase. It is no longer possible to do this manually if it is touchscreen compatible. If tapping the finger on the button and pressing it is light, it is a light impulse that is being used. So if you use the most options for the camera: Ausgehend von der Hauptkamera (1x) navigate with a wish on the camera support of the selfie camera (from iOS 18.1) over the ultraweitwinkel (0.5) to zum Zweifach-oder (bei den Pro-iPhones) Fünffach-Teleobjektiv.
The camera control offers a number of photo functions in one flavor.
When you’re not pressing the button, navigate the room’s embedded controls and also point it at the touchscreen. If you use the Fenster device, it is best to pay attention to the free Fläche in the Auslöser, it is a matter of use. If security is shifted, the notifications will occur automatically.
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