Leuchtkraft from Straßenlaternen has been reduced halfway
In the Bavarian Forest, investment in a light protection area started in 2019. The 20 Gemeinden optimize their discharges. A Beispiel is Neuschönau in the Freyung-Grafenau district. In the Vergaanheit four Prozent der Leuchten im öffentlichen Raum für die Ausweisung eines Sternenparks geeignet, inzwischen since über 75 Prozent.
Reduce the light intensity of the streets after 1 hour by half. The municipalities of Lindberg and Frauenau in the Regen district offer the Straßenbeleuchtung between 1 hour and 5 hours throughout the day. The argument that we have the Sicherheit in Straßen and Plätzen is the Anhänger des Sternenparks met Verweis in Studie in Schweiz, Canada and in the United States in Switzerland.
Weniger Light night comes to people
If you notify, it concerns the deterioration of the darkness for humans or for insects. High Blauanteil im üblichen Licht van Straßenlaternen unterdrückt the Schlafhormone Melatonin and thus ensures that the customer’s weight is reduced.
The Power of the Initiative is grim for the Abschaltung or Reduzierung of the öffentlicher Beleuchtung. Now when private activities are carried out, they are expanded. Here, an individual was involved in the affected areas, Außenstrahler, Fassaden- und Gartenlichter zu entfernen and thus the Kampf gegen Lichtverschmutzung zu unterstützen.
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