(VOVWORLD) – The website for Essen’s Weltweit TasteAtlas has a list of the 50 best cities in the world for feinschmecker-veröffentlicht.
Darin stehen two Vietnamese cities, namely Hanoi and Hue. Hue is ranked 35. Stelle. TasteAtlas experts have travel essentials for Hue Frühstücksuppe with Rindfleisch or Bun bo Hue, Hack-Zitronengras-Spieße or Nem Lui, Hue Pfannkuchen or Banh Khoai and gedämpfte Reismehl-Küchlein with Krabben or Banh Beo. The main city of Hanoi is located on the Platz 40. A simple selection of delicious dishes such as Reisnudel or Pho, grilled Fleischnudeln or Bun thit nuong, Krabbennudel and Schneckennudel.
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