Bundestagswahl: Wahlforscher Jung: That Union has a ‘Merz problem’

Bundestagswahl: Wahlforscher Jung: That Union has a ‘Merz problem’

It seems that the union candidate Merz is the next German Bundeskanzler, said Wahlforscher Matthias Jung. But there is a clear view – and good chances for those green ones.

The Wahlforscher Matthias Jung testifies to trade union candidate Friedrich Merz with Blick on the planted Bundestagswahl Schwächen, who are Erfolg-gefährden-konnten. While in the Review it is now a “mäßiges Image”, it is itself a beige targen and that is a knit Unterstützung erschwere, which was the Voorstandsmitglied of the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen the “Tagesspiegel”.

I have taken a “conservative and liberal position, spying on the Union Klaviatur”. The Union has found this programmatic problem a “Merz problem,” Jung said.

Experts see disbelief among all candidates

Jung says that he has an “uncontrollability” that the Candidate brings more with him. “That is a legacy for itself and for the history of the Union.” Insgesamt right of the Expert Merz aber good Chances zu, after the February 2025 planted, Wahl the next German Bundeskanzler zu become. “That Wahrscheinlichkeit, the Merz Bundeskanzler is, is right,” said one.

So the chances of winning the candidates are Kanzlers Olaf Scholz (SPD) says that Jung is less. While the Frage, ob es spiritual sei, the Scholz wie in Wahlkampf 2021 on the letzten Metern nor an Aufholjagd hinlegen, Jung says: “Ess gibt keinen Grund dafür, dass sich eine spezielle Entwicklung eines einzelnen Wahlkampfes wiederholen lässt.”

In 2021, Scholz will have a “massive Zustimmung” in the Bevölkerung genossen. Now both of them can’t punk anymore. From 2025 onwards, the ways of disbelief, which are common to all Candidates, are with a very high chance of a “vermeintlich smaller world bubble”, like Jung.

Wahlforscher sees good chances for Habeck

When the American government was given the opportunity to make even more profits through the Grünen candidate Robert Habeck, he took advantage of it. “Citizen Wähler, who again sees neither as conservative nor as left-wing, can separate the green graft presented for Habeck and relatively speaking.” These days, the Grünen are heavy for many straight Wähler “der Buhmann”. Bei Mitte-Wählern has the Partei aber großes Potenzial. The Mobilization of the Greens has been completed at the signal sight.

Were the Sonntag Bundestagswahl, came with the Union laut dem juniors ZDF ‘Politbarometer’ from 20. This month on 31 Prozent, the AfD on 19, the SPD on 15 and the Grünen on 14 Prozent. The FDP was able to pass the Einzug into Parliament with 3 Prozent, while the Left with 4 Prozent. Das in diesem Jahr gründete Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) läge bei 5 Prozent. Other Umfragen see the Union Swiss 30 and 36 Prozent, the SPD Swiss 14 and 18 Prozent see the Grünen Swiss 12 and 14 Prozent.

Wahlforscher Jung looks for the BSW bigger people when they visit the Wahlen in East Germany, we are from the Stand zweistellig abschnitt. “Both the Landtagswahlen in September in Osten had the BSW a very light game. Aber bei een Bundestagswahl leben 80 Prozent der Wähler in Westen, wo Wagenknecht es schwerer hat,” said Jung. It is a fact that the new party was part of the Fünf-Prozent-Hürde zu nehmen. It is true that BSW as FDP and Linke have helped a large group of people, it is a mystery to us.

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