Turkei has Mindestlohn with 49% of Euronews

Turkei has Mindestlohn with 49% of Euronews

The Turkish Regierung will give the Mindestlohn a quick half of 17,002 Turkish Lira (and 520 €) pro Monat within a year. Damit will die in the high inflation in the country, in November 2023 with a delay of 62%.

The main problems that arise are the high costs that arise – they can be on the Wähler for the land pastures answered in March 2024.


The height of the mindestlohnes is twice as high if you start for years and start with 49% of the passage to the years. In der Türkei deserves a Drittel der 86 Millionen Einwohner den Mindestlohn.

“We are the ones who are willing to work for inflation,” Labor Minister Vedat Işıkhan said at a press conference.

Kampf against inflation

It is a fact that inflation in the countries is increasing in high interest rates. A Währungskrise At the end of 2021 is the highest inflation in Turkey since 25 years ago. Damals lost the Lira by 35% and lost the Dollar, and the effect stops again.

Since inflation and inflation increases are high, Zentralbank can keep interest rates up at 42.5% and make the phrase disappear in the following years.


The bank notes that the phrases have become bare.

“Der Ausschuss geht davon aus, that there is the Straffungszyklus so kaal wie möglich abschließen wird”, explanation of the monetary policy Ausschuss. “The money-political struggle will last so long that anyone who dies from a long-term preisstabilität is inherited.”

Cagri Kutman, specialist for the Turkish market at KNG Securities, told AP: “It is not the case that inflation occurs after the market has dried up, the Turk is on the right track.”

Bartosz Sawicki, market analyst at Conotoxia fintech, said Zentralbank with more money went to the next price at a 45% discount. “Folglich wird die (Zentralbank) de Strafung vor de Kommunalwahlen im März stop.”


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