More than 600 Hütten zerstört
Tote und Verletzte nach Feuer in Rohingya-Flüchtlingscamp
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Look at the Bränden in the overcrowded Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. Now people have lost their lives. Two people are looking forward to being a child.
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Dhaka. During a battle in one of the refugee battles for the Rohingya in Bangladesh, humanity lost part of their lostness. The last two people, who are children, have lost the fire in their lives, teilte a ray of the Bangladeshi offices of commissioners for the Hilfe and the Rückführung of Flüchtlingen with. More than 600 Flüchtlinghütten cannot be used. There were estimated to be 3,000 residents of the Flight Camps Lambashia, who lost their lives, in Schulgebäuden or at Verwandten untergekommen.
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Brandursache is not clear
The einheimische broadcast of „The Daily Star“ reported that it could happen more and that another article could be viewed. The Brandursache War is unclear. Das Feuer sei nach etwa wei Stunden unter Kontrolle be brought.
Before the war started, the army in neighboring areas and more Buddhist Myanmar began an offensive against the Muslim Rohingya minority. Hunderttausende Menschen flohen damals or wurden vertrieben.
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Lambashia is more than 30 Rohingya Refugee camps in Bezirk Cox’s Bazar in southern Bangladesh. With a million inhabitants, one can combine the UN-Flüchtlingswerks of the UNHCR with the world-largest Flüchtlingslager from. It is a matter of time to start a quarrel, and the affected people in their huts, who are often with Bambus and Planen besthen, with the Unterstützung of Hilfsorganizations that are aware.
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