German Bekanntester Profiler: “Der Typus Hannibal Lecter ist selten” – Munich

German Bekanntester Profiler: “Der Typus Hannibal Lecter ist selten” – Munich

Alexander Horn hat berühmte Kriminalfälle gelöst, Mörder zum Gestehen brought. On the problem of problems, Cold Case Ötzi – and it can be difficult to get a chance.

If you are a woman, consider a miter. Deutschlands wohl bekanntester Profiler sits in an undamaged Büro in an unspoilt Bürokomplex in Münchner Westen. Schreibtisch, Bildschirme, Bücher. Nirgendwo hangs a dieser Wände, which is often cleaned in the Krimis of the Ermittler. With Photos, Zeitungsartikelen, Fäden. Braucht Alexander Horn, 51, no more. Der Mann, who is separated from the guilt and in the trap of the sogenant mask males, a pädophilen Mörder, who starts a war in the Neunzigerjahren in Schullandheim and experiences sexual sexual feelings and starts a little Morde. Or the autumn mareike, a 20th anniversary, died in the year 2003 from Waldmünchen. Hoorn is near the Münchner Polizei the Bereich Operative Fall-Analysis and so on work, if it goes as far as possible by schnittlicher Sachbearbeiter tarnen. Kein Wort über Privates en die form in November, dafür umso more über Verbrecher, ihre Spuren, who Horn and his Team come into the Spur, will take on the Cold Case of the Welt and the battle against the Profilers.


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