New York ( – Nordstrom-Aktienanalyse von Telsey Advisory Group:
Aktuelle Bewertung
Telsey Advisory hat tie Course soul for Nordstrom Inc. (ISIN: US6556641008, WKN: 867804, Ticker Symbol: NRD, NYSE Symbol: JWN) paid from 26 to 24 USD and die “market performance”-Bewertung bei.
Wesentliche Erkenntnisse from der Analyse
• The best of the best: The war on private transactions can be carried out, that is the way media speculation is carried out. Telsey sees the Bewertung der Transaktion as angemessen, aber ohne signifikanten Aufschlag – ungewöhnlich für Kaufhausübernahmen.
• Gemischte Bewertung der Transaktion: Einerseits zegt de Bewertung een bessere Positionierung im Vergleich zu früheren Übernahmen in der Kaufhausbranche. Others will have the fehlende influence, the Nordstrom in the last quarter positive Impulse-verzeichnet hat.
• Bewertung in historical context: The action that has not lasted more than 25 USD in recent years, the active assessment had become more plausible. Structured management in the business sector, especially when it comes to traffic congestion, and also tax.
Chances and Risks
• Take-private potential: The vast majority of companies can take control, while the market expands the rest of the market and takes a long time.
• Premium positioning: Nordstrom is able to keep its customers happy in the retail trade, and is able to provide economic stability in the future.
• Erholung der Konsumausgaben: Ein Possible Meaning und Verbesserte Verbraucherstimmung kan den Ausgaben in de hobbenen Segment.
• Customer sales: Kaufhäuser kämpfen weiterhin with rückläufiger Kundenfrequenz and Konkurrenz by online handler and specialized Boutiques.
• Bewertung ohne Aufschlag: The successful Prämie in the Take-Private-Transaktion can make its own contribution to the Enttäuschung concerns.
• Marktunsicherheit: The single trading sector is one of the most important ways to prevent macroeconomic problems, single inflation and consumption.
Bewertung und Kursziel
The small price passage reflects the insecurity on the market more broadly, making the long chance of restrukturierung the best.
Nordstrom must go through a critical phase of the new positioning, using the plants Take-Private-Transaktion. When the recent analysis of the action becomes clearer, the long-awaited perspective offers opportunities for stabilization and restructuring. Telsey is good looking and interested in trading in a general market store. (Analysis of 24.12.2024)
Please refer to the information provided for the Offenlegungspflicht bei Interessenskonflikten im sinne der Richtlinie 2014/57/EU entsprechender Verordnungen der EU voor de genannte Analysten-Haus under the following link. (27.12.2024/ac/a/n)
Opening up of possible intersessional conflicts:
Conflicts of interest can be found on the website of the counters/of the request for an analysis.
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