Französinnen love these favorable Blush

Französinnen love these favorable Blush

Make-up: Französinnen lieben dieses good Blush

Tres belle! For a high use of color on the cheeks, Französinnen can use a nice blush.

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In France, Blush dies his faith

Blush will make a difference in the major Beauty Trends 2024, a soft drink called Rouge with Pilze from Boden since. A new product has been made from your Beauty Brand Hat – in a surprising variant. Classic as Puder, as Creme or Soft Flush – for your Geschmack there is a suitable Blush available.

Auch in France is the Hype a Rouge natürlich nicht vorbeigegangen and Pariserinnen schwören auf das “Small Round Pot Blush” von Bourjoisthe standard product has been sold. The Puder-Rouge has an ultra-fine texture that provides little bleaching, but it is a natural brightener.

Here you can shop das Rouge.

For ideal blending

Zugegeben: For a moment I thought I found “Little Round Pot Blush” from “Little Round Pot Blush” Bourjois A delicious Himbeer-Macaron is, but in Wahrheit remains in that small top of the most credible Rouge from France. Clean see Generations no longer focused on the Beauty of Frauen. Die unglaublich transparent and light texture shape offers an exclusive backup and sorts an e-infache addition and ideal blending.

Another highlight: The “Small round pot” duvet cover on Rose – heavenly! Thanks to the practical packaging with mirror and blush, the blush is ideal for on the go, soft drinks that you can use and have a very high color on the cheeks.

Here nor mal all the Highlights on a Blick:

  • transparent and light shape
  • for ideal blending
  • duvet nach Rose

Description: Bereite die Haut vor, tragedy of the product with their loved ones pins and konzentriere dich auf Bereiche wie Wangenäpfel. It is a natural finish and uses the built-in mirror for shutdown.

Nor more good things Blush bekommst du here:


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