« If you solve the problem, you can survive the problems of your life », president Paul François. Blue polo shirt with two oranges, round bezels, the agricultural land of 60 years and the end of the two rendezvous, on the exploitation of céréalière at Ruffec (Charente). At the end of the month the company will withdraw after selling a 240 hectare farm. Paul François preferred dire qu’il « passe le flambeau ».
After his drunkenness in 2004, the French farmer became the victim of pesticides by fairly condemning the manufacturer Monsanto, a passé plus the 450 days in hospital. During the après period, the future retreat will deal with violent migraines, based on knowledge. « J’ai en memoire des nuits durant lesquelles Paul Hurle, son corps fait des bonds de cinquante centimeterdécrit son frère aîné, Jean-Noël. Imagine the consequences of an accident, and ask for comments on the carcass as an encore. »
Bataille judiciary against Monsanto
« The accident » It is the end of the end of the matinee, a day in April 2004, with a building in visible pierres. « The veil, the availability of pesticides on a champion. You can verify that the pulverizer does not contain more products and products, you breathe and you feel the chaleur passing through the body », story of the farmer. Il vient d’inhaler des composés chimiques du Lasso, herbicide product by Monsanto and interdit in France since 2007.
Après a visit to the hospital, son cas empire: bégaiements, perte de poids, maux de tête brutaux. Reconnow as an accident of labor, the man’s decision to attack Monsanto in 2007. When Paul François argued in his café, he followed the broad lines of this judiciary. A premiere of the condemnation of the American company – désormais détenue of the Bayer group – « on February 13, 2012 ». An apple « le September 10, 2015 ». A matter of cassation « July 7, 2017 ». The dates are cut deep in the pan, au jour pres. On October 21, 2020, the Cour de cassation confirmed Bayer-Monsanto’s final final responsibility for the farmer’s intoxication. The company is ordered to pay an amount of €11,135.
In the flashback to the medieval scene after the final stage of the trial, the farmer has become aggressive in his garage during the summer of 2023. Paul François was born after the revenge of coups. The aggressive ones try to drop a liquid bottle. « It’s time for fairness », lazy assènent-ils. A survey, found at the Angoulême public prosecutor’s office for « violence and reunion », « arrest and sequestration » etc “administration of substances”est toujours en cours.
While the years of the judiciary were underway, part of the last two cases came under scrutiny, while the décès of a woman, Sylvie, in 2018 – « ce fight against fatigue », soufflé l’agriculteur. « Paul fights the sky and the sea, it’s formidable! More about the price? », son frère aîné demands. « You are laissé ma santé et mon exploitationconfie le père de deux filles de 29 en 33 ans. This procedure is in progress. Morale and financing. » If you get an estimate of more than €200,000 – without having to pay the man for your ferme.
« Jamais le environmental agricole ne l’a soutenu »
Parallel to his fight, the Charentais get to work. In 2011, the association Phyto-Victims with Serious Diseases is no longer objective when it comes to occupational victims of pesticides. President of the United States, Paul François, was congratulated on the progress achieved: the exploration of three occupational diseases (Parkinson’s, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and prostate cancer) and the creation of a compensation fund for pesticide victims.
The fight against Monsanto is no longer possible. « Paul is a Prime Minister who is visible to the farmers who are victims of pesticidesCV Claire Bourasseau, responsible for the victims of the association since 2020. Without lazy, there are no warnings yet about the demand for exploration questions about ailments. » The decoration of the céréalier, the decoration of the legion d’honneur in 2014, the déplorer le manque de « voluntary politics » Successive governments and syndicates reduce the use of pesticides.
A « céréalier model »
The origin, Paul François is a « céréalier modèle », a patron « proud the ses machines, the son exploitation », affiliated with the majority syndicate. If I reproduce the exploitation of my debut in 1990, the reward is « young and ambitious ». Equipment à la pointe de la technology, characteristics of the plot (only 10 hectares per heure)…
Il prône alors a agriculture « ultra-productive ». « If pesticides offer a good solution, there is a solution for the ills », explique-t-il.Après son intoxication, very affaibli, il lazy faudra our années pour réussir à passer en bio, in 2015. « Nous avions déjà réduit de 60% à 70% l’utilization de chimiques products. »
«Paul François has created a rare figure, a farmer who is responsible for the use of these products, the dominant model », estimate Giovanni Prete, sociologist (1). These positions and their parole on «dérangé the profession», ensure the interest. «The agricultural environment is not suitable for the environmentconfirms Jean-Noël François, a long-time advisor to the agricultural credit financier. Combination of payment methods with this:‘Qu’est qu’il nous fait chier ton frère!’»
« It’s no fun to return »
Paul François traverses the exploitation of his son, points out the herbs that live on the pelouse, the haies that entourent his packages. All the contraire d’il ya caught ans. The agricultural station is a red tractor in a hangar. A young couple, with a bio-installation project, can recuperate the farm. Cela le ravit. « One of most people have a temporary solution to the exploitation, until a year ago. Ma femme m’avait dit: ‘Tu ne seras jamais à la retreat’ », acid-il.
What’s fairer than the old years? « You can spend the time for a lot, for my two fillings and my little fils of the new time », says Paul François. Approaching the lueurs of the day is the brume representation of the small municipality of Ruffec. Le grand père grimpe dans sa voiture. So, it’s a small matter. More dossiers on pesticides are not to the benefit of man: Paul François assures that he will be able to fight his battle.
(1) Author of L’Agriculture. A long battle against the victims of pesticides 2024, Presses de Sciences Po, 286 p. 24 €.
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