Page 2: Well done, but that problem remained

Page 2: Well done, but that problem remained

Fred Haise, himself an astronaut and Houston’s partner for the Crew, wants the Abbruch-Taste to be right here.


  1. 105:46:23 Haise: Since we, Kitty Hawk. (zu Ed) One of these Anzeige aktiv ist, Ed. Would you like to test an Abbruch-Taste (Panel 1) on the Verkleidung-klopfen? Vielleicht lockert itself was.
  2. 105:46:52 Mitchell: Tatsachlich, Houston. Beim Klopfen was looking forward to it.
  3. 105:46:54 Haise: Schön knocked.
  4. 105:47:00 Mitchell: Yes, I am completely gutted. (Pause)

Das Klopfen half, de shinbare Schalterstellung wieder zu korrigieren. The Freude is not that long, but a bit faint of the Abbruch-Taste wieder das false LETABORT-Bit setzte. It is a matter of a wackelcontact or a swinging metal (and a small amount) that the Fehler provoked. When the landing was fatal, the P-63 land program’s computer was undetected by the P-70/71 abort program and the organization’s mission was aborted. The successive phases of land management of the land module sprengt and the take-off phase of the take-off phase were a false moment of landing for the development that was to be carried out.

In the panel of the Commanders you will find the links in the land module, before you find the breakdown, in the illustration of the yellow-black umrandeten Tasten. You can contact the Ganze Mission as a Wackel contact.

(Image: NASA)

A Lösung must help her send the second Apollo mission backwards – and those little songs and sounds. Make sure some multi-billion dollar projects are implemented so that no one can reach the ground. Der Druck-War enormous. It is a good idea to do a triangle study, any problem you can find.

Once Don Eyles finds a 27-year-old software engineer, the code is written. The Apollo Guidance Computer would gesteuert a verb-noun-Eingabe: mit Drücken der Taste Verb, Eingabe een Zahl anyway Drücken der Taste Noun als weitere Eingabe von Aktionen. The users can set the DSKY key and put the program number under the mode register (Prog), so that a jewel-anzeigen verb-noun is shown in the display.

Here are the astronauts following an uncontrolled display in the DSKY trial: Verb 25 (Loading data) Noun 07: 105 (Address), 400 (BIT ID), 0 (Action) and that is the LETABORT-Bit zurücksetzen. There are many problems with troubleshooting: the problem is that a stressful and failed analysis of the runway takes place, and the routine programs are set a little more automatically after 0.2 seconds.

Don Eyles (right, with a lot of nerd frisson) performed a flawed software hack to fix the Apollo 14 mission.

(Image: Youtube)

The lost war is another: The Mode Register takes place in the central role. Dort got the number of the scheduled programs. Glücklicherweise griff auch der Abbruchmonitor darauf zu, een zu prüfen, ob bereits aine Abbruchsequenz läuft.

Letztlich sollte der Abbruchmechanismus were tested: In the Abstiegsphase sollten die Astronauten den Abbruch durch P-71 im MODREG vorgaukeln (VERB 21 NOUN 1 ENTER 1010 ENTER, 107 ENTER), so that the Computer is a new falschen Alarm without the Abbruch einleiten, and dabei die Zündung 26 Sekunden manuell arbeiten welding würde.

Shepard can then set the Schub manuell to full Leistung, Mitchell währenddessen per erneuter Verb-Noun-Eingabe (VERB 25 NOUN 7 ENTER 101 ENTER, 200 ENTER 1 ENTER) that ZOOMFLAG-Bit activated, that the computer befiehlt, which automatic control of the Triebwerks wieder zu übernehmen.

This means that the LETABORT bit is written (VERB 25 NOUN 7 ENTER 105 ENTER, 400 ENTER 0 ENTER), with the result that it is avoided and the Schluss (via VERB 21 NOUN 1 ENTER 1010 ENTER, 77 ENTER) is the Landeprogramm P-63 wieder Entered and der Shame taken away, damn the computer that can be automated.

Some of the incalculable summaries in the critical phase of oral agriculture are practically überbrückt. A software hack for a hardware problem. Falls is dennoch zum Notfall come where, how the Crew with VERB 25, NOUN 7, 105, 400, 1 LETABORT can be activated. Or – at Zeitdruck – it is called the Abort Guidance System as a backup system for its implementation. It is an idea for the autumn, when the AGC with its green edge is in the low gewesen wares, the Abbruch will be worth it.

The Apollo Guidance Computer with the DSKY control.

Some country food Shepard and Mitchell are definitely in Fra Mauro. When Kleinigkeiten left the mission, the mission brought with it a number of discoveries about the geology of the world. Apollo 14 war of the three first manned missions that were the most energetic mission.

The astronauts are in two Außeneinsätzen (EVA – Extra-Vehicular Activity) 13 hours and perform in 9 Stunden and 21 minutes during their experiment. Because all the seismographs are stoked, a grenade yarder, a small beben, there is an experiment with gas inflation and reporting on the minimal mouth atmospheric effects.

The Landestelle of Apollo 14 as Panorama, with more detailed images.

(Image: NASA)

Although the Raumfahrer never went up, one of the instruments is packed with a handcart that goes to the edge of the Craters Crone (the Mondrover, the Reichsweite dramatically erweitern sollte, war first from Apollo 15 was completed), aber trotzdem wurde the Mission a fuller Follow. Apollo 14, which traveled to the Tagus for 50 years, brought 42.9 Kilograms of Mondgestein zurück, anyway 200 Baumsamen, which they lived in the Mond and there Irish Standorte jetzt was heard. Time for it was Mouthwave blieb oh no.

There is a look at the ergriff Alan Shepard, so emotional, that I am ever the Tränen kamen. There is no war at all possible thanks to the IT support of art and a nerd, with a clever software hack and a hardware problem.



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