When children are standing in line or when they are having fun, it can be a bit of a distraction. Have you found an answer to the einsilbigen-antworten? These fun games help the different types of communication with each other.
If you see the reconciliation, in the Gefühls- und Erlebniswelt-deines Kindes, auch manchmal who vor einem zugeforenen See, an dessen Eisfläche everything abperlt? Ihr habt euch womöglich de geese Tag nicht gesehen, aber deine Gesprächsversuche sehen in etwa so aus: “After, who is the war in der Kita?” “Bowel.” “Was habt ihr gemacht?” “Played.” Or the kind of answer to the question “Wie geht es dir?” nur mit Schulterzucken, and a few things you can do, it is so sad that you can become nurgerlicher.
Children must first learn to communicate. Whether it’s solving problems or stretching your legs – and saying it. If you have an idea, it’s hilarious if you know a few ideas, Impulse and Wege, this communication is expanded. We are sure that all children’s games play a game that is one of the most common games.
In my book “Kinderleicht ins Gespräch Kommen” Michèle Liussi gives an impetus to psychology and the family, which can be a kind of bridge, in contact with your bowls and your affairs.
Pack the Frage nach de Tag in a Ratespiel
If the kind of “Verhör” broadcast, playing a game, was worth it in the Kita or Schule hat. Danach is the kind of drink and darf rats, was your power and experience hast. You may be solving a problem if you make a mistake and don’t see any Einbahnstraße. If you’re really in the mood for a fanciful Quatsch-pack – and zum Beispiel, say “I think you wrote a Tyrannosaurus Rex.”
Locke Redemuffel with Puppet Theatre
Manchmal braucht is a new person, an inspiration that occurs during the period of the conversation or the bohrenden fragments. A glove puppet, a pillow or a speaking sock, can have a relationship of will with the Eltern, who can erase everything. The imaginative beginning of childhood is that a child is probably in the Herz aus. If you use a nice sock, you can immediately use it as a sock freshener – you can dye a sock in your hand, or you malt or write on a chair, then the sock pup is freshest. The Puppies are a geeignet, one of the things that children mirror, even if they are, if they were born. And further fragment: “Wo wohnt das Gefühl? Was Kracht es mit deinem Körper? Was könnte dir helfen?”
Bildet Geschichten mit Bildern
Bilder can find a way out for a nice conversation. If you get an image from a book, a photo or a double page in the Wimmelbuch – it was a while ago, and the speculative fact was that the figures were taken or the situation was described. Eure Fantasie sich in all directional movements, the kind of kind, was not only passionate or glaubt, but also the extent to which people lived. You may want to have some kind of rebirth because you can prepare yourself for works of art that are out there. If you are a fan this is more time, you can use a card set for the photo spreads. Dann captures his next view of the statue and spins a gathering together.
Get to know Family Bingo for real
A fun variant, a family that has more in mind, is bingo. I once categorized a Vorlage with 3×3 or 4×4 cabinets and cabinets, one thing is for sure. That could be the signal: Lovely things. Favorites. All tagsgegenstände (wer useful was häufig?). If something happens and if a begriff falls, a cupboard is written or malted, while others get into trouble. If we had a full victory, we won.
Or if you end a bingo game with various activities from recent times. Dan is the family member of the week – and it was so that it was on the Zettel, that it went through the trouble. You can use a bingo latte on the Kita or Schulweg and listen to what you see later. You have to explore the brand name and the road in a play zone.
Follow the Lachen
It is worth noting the secret that those with whom we have shared are often forgotten, which is why we have our civilization since our child buys and functions: Power more than our own! “Lachen baut Anspannung, Stress und Wut ab,” wrote Michèle Liussi. “Dadurch steigt die Stimmung, was sich positiv auf das soziale Umfeld, in eurem Fall also die Familie, auswirkt.” Before you were a kind will – remember, how you would fight a war, whoever had an idea for a professional business – nehmt a moment, a gem of a machine. It starts with the bond. If you get connected, it’s likely you’ll be in Stimmung if you do. Pleasant impulse for quatsch moments:
- Sei absichtlich tollpatschig.
- Schlafe mittens in de satz und schnarche laut.
- Sing songs with Abgewandelten texts.
- Power everything backwards or everything in Slow Motion.
Try to learn more about playing with your child and your child’s functions during conversation. Habt Spaß dabei, then it is beautiful to win.
Verwendete Quelle: Michèle Liussi “Kinderleicht ins Gespräch kommen. 44 playful Ideas für strong Eltern-Kind-Communikation”, humboldt 2023.
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