Hamburg- Statt a new Ausgabe der “NDR talk show“It’s a pleasure to have a wonderful experience, which is truly enjoyable. “The most enjoyable experience of the NDR Talk Show” says the white moment with many guests of the last year.
Star designer Guido Maria Kretschmer (59) presented his Talkrunde with his Hotel-Geschichte zum Lachen. © Focke Strangmann/dpa
One of ihnen ist Guido Maria Kretschmer (59), der mit een Geschichte über seine Kindheit alle others in der Runde lauthals zum Lachen Bringt.
Whoever the designer is, he is good, stitched and a great way to create hotels for hotels and with a larger portion of humor.
Schon as a child is a “Hotel spielt”, erzählt der 59-Jährige. Grund dafür sei gewesen, dass er mit seiner Family is not so focused in the Urlaub-gefahren sei. “There will be a small problem with the ‘Bund der Kinderreichen’. I think it’s schrecklich.”
Those Geissens
No Frühstück, all mine launt: So läuft es behind the Kulissen of “Die Geissens” ab!
So it is not the case that Klein-Guido was born on the Côte d’Azur or a Vergleichbares, born in a “Kaff im Harz.”
Damals konnte are one thing that is not glassy, but it seems that the Fashion Ikone the big Sonnenbrille and everything that is not packaged, a stylish swimming pool is lying. Stattdessen must start with a Bauernhof.
Um the Urlaub, but neither you retten, flüchteten seine Mutter and there schließlich zu een schlesische Familie met Hollywoodschaukel. Inwiefern dieser Ausflug die Family Geprägt hat, ist een Highlight der Runde met de Moderators dieser Sendung, Barbara Schoeneberger (50) and Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt (68).
Auch Moderator Günther Jauch (68, v. M.) and Drag Queen Olivia Jones (55, r.) have some fun stories ready. © Photo montage: Henning Kaiser/dpa, Marcus Brandt/dpa, ARD
There are more astronauts for laughing with their team about the sides of the battle, the war so fierce that Houston must be reported by Wort.
Singer Vanessa Mai (32) was embarrassed to be on my first date with my current Ehemann way because of the upward movement that was made and on the klo-einschlief. If you have an idea, mumble or stop repeating.
The Zuschauer has been evacuated, who happily explores the acquaintances of Sasha (52) and the woman in Hamburger Nachtleben and the entertainer Ross Antony (50) zwölf Weihnachtsbäume in August in his Zuhause aufstellt.
Bauer like Frau
RTL schnitt The end of the day: So we continue with Bäuerin Saskia and ihrem Hofboy Martin
If Verona Pooth (56) auspackt, Gunther Jauch (68) when the world was kissed by the moderator of Barbara Schöneberger, was with the historical moment of the bots zum ‘Du’ von der “Wer became a Millionaire“-Legend in unter Folge aber sicher wieder legislattgemacht wurde.
Zudem erzählt Matthias Schweighöfer (43), it is one of the things that Kaugummi has done and Ina Müller (59) has had to deal with homopathic Drogen, who found her in the transport of BH.
We see a prominent guest, including Carolin Kebekus (44), Iris Berben (74), Mario Barth (52), Olivia Jones (55), Christoph Maria Herbst (58) and the Ochsenknechts, loose with their stories from Gelächter aus.
The best-of of the “NDR Talk Show” starts at 10 p.m. in the NDR. Once the transmission is completed, it may take a while ARD Mediathek anshen.
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