Biden said Trump-Kritikerin Cheney with Citizens Medal aus

Biden said Trump-Kritikerin Cheney with Citizens Medal aus

The parted hat of US President Joe Biden der prominent Trump criticism by Liz Cheney the Citizens Medal, the most recent Auszeichnung in the USA, is lost. Whoever stands on the Donnerstag at the Zeremonie in the White House in Washington is elected to the 58-year-old Republican government 19 further reviews of personal attention the Auszeichnung, weil ie “the American People over my Party” is stated. Biden personally gave Cheney the Medal.

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Die “Presidential Citizens Medal” Wird nach Angaben des Weißen Hauses an Citizens of the United States lost, who live in their own country for their country or their own citizens.

Trump killed Cheney with the FBI

They will be happy next the brightest Democratic US Senator Chris Dodd, that egregious democratic Abgeordnete in the US Repräsentantenhaus, Carolyn McCarthyanyway of the democratic Abgeordnete Bennie Thompsonof the representatives of the representatives of the role of the role des früheren and the best American president Donald Trump At the Erstürmung des Kapitols I am on January 6, 2021.

“We are proud to say that we have a great nation, we have a great nation, we have a good people,” said Biden and the Ausgezeichneten targeted. Cheney, who notices Thompson at the Zeremonie, holds Ovationen.

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While the White House is located in one of the most likely areas, Cheney has received his impetus, “a border that offers our nation and the ideal ideal for the future: Freiheit, Würde and Anstand”.

Cheney, Tochter des früheren US-Vizepräsidenten Dick Cheney, It is one of the inner criticisms of Donald Trump, which started in the White House on January 20 during the presidential elections.

After the creation of the Capitals by a fanatical following of right-wing populists who do not impose on Cheney the damals nor the interests of President Trump and wage war against the parliamentarians, the care will not be continued. Trump hated the 58-year-olds’ first murder with ‘Schwierigkeiten’ and the powers of the Federal Police FBI.

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After Liz Cheney introduced Mr. Trump, he will run for Representative Office in 2022. I am Wahlkampf zur Präsidentschaftswahl on November 5 the Republican candidate for Kamala Harris’ Democrats against Trump.

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More surprisingly, Biden Cheney is off to a good start – from Sorge vor possibly legitimate SchRITs started on January 20 with two Amtszeit Trumps.

The Wahlkampf has the Republican population in general, while the Rache is shunned, the policy and the Kriegstreiberin bezeichnet, which themselves are one of the few problems. (AFP, dpa)


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