On DIGI.talk from the WKO, Philipp Gschwandtner, Stellvertretender Leiter des Forschungszentrums Hochleistungsrechnen at the Universität Innsbruck, was one of the best, the Hochleistungsrechnen and the local KMU are making a profit.
From March 29, 2023, KMUs will be interesting to research and develop during High Performance Computing (HPC) to really enjoy.
In DIGI.talk we met Philip Gschwandtner, among others:
- HPC is a small part of the Rahmen-große Vorteile bietet en nicht op Supercomputer or Quantencomputer angewiesen ist,
- welche Schnittpunkte und Differenzen HPC und AI bzw. Artistic intelligence of beets
- who cares about infrastructure and research operations like KMU
- if you move Trends in Bereich HPC
- was man in January 2023 sont noch rund um dieses Delete theme sollte
[email protected]
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