Effiziente Verwaltung für Betreute Wohngemeinschaften mit wg-easy.com als digital Komplettlösung

Effiziente Verwaltung für Betreute Wohngemeinschaften mit wg-easy.com als digital Komplettlösung

(openPR) Die Nachfrage nach Alternativen Wohn- und Pflegeformen stigt stigt and sett Träger, Einrichtungsleitungen und Pflegekräfte for big words Herausforderungen. The new software version of wg-easy.com offers modern and digital solutions, a smaller way to work more efficiently and use the German Alltag.

Meer Zeit voor de Bewohner und Entlastung für das Personal

The cloud-based software wg-easy.com specializes in the preparation of involved living areas. Ermöglicht with intuitive tools that coordination and control are detrimental to all processes – from formatting, terminology and documentation to Abrechnungsunterstützung and communication. Soul is the Verwaltungsaufwand on a minimal reduction. The personal offer can start with the bet and the home seekers of the Bewohnerinnen and Bewohnerkonzentrieren. The scaffolding is suitable for the quality and safety of the equipment.

Digital alltag and fast documentation

A Zentrales feature of the software is the frost protection tag, which provides the software with clear orientation. Dadurch is one of the most likely direct debits. View a digital checklist with a click on the document. The digital documentation provides an overview and sorting for transparency when summarizing leistungen and background fragments of frightening matters. The basis is a story from the series, that the descriptions are carried out in a certain rhythm and now an angel becomes Müssen.

Digital Notfallmappe

I think it will be as fast as possible – if you have the drug plan information, then the drug can set the medical master data to the active state. The software compiles this and other data on the extended view button as a PDF. So how could it be otherwise that the man comes from the Rettungsdienst?

More flexible travel and high dating security

The wg-easy.com software is a cloud-based platform that allows flexible use of the browser – for example on your smartphone, tablet or PC. An app for iOS and Android is available. In addition, it is more efficient to obtain information and outsource the service to a tablet, so that you can consult all information and document documents. The data protection regulations are significant: The data have been registered in accordance with the DSGVO in Germany.


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