New Koch shows with regional Küche

New Koch shows with regional Küche

The renewed culinary program of Holland America Line presents a plate with new Kochshows in Erscheinung, the regional culinary specialties and local multi-fruits of the Global Fresh Fish Program of the Reederei in the Mittelpunkt.

The design, the chef and the credit director of the jewelry being sold find a smoother life for a long journey, on a longer route.

Marimoto Lobster (c) Holland America Line

Those guests can learn from Chefkoch Kochtechniken and the culinary knowledge of the region and the orientation I am specialized in trying. That Guest can buy a copy of the Rezepte with his house, one of his own kitchens for friends and family nachzukochen.

„We have loved ones, one believed in the traditions that they have lived, and that they have enjoyed their faith in their activities. If there is no longer a new Kochshow, it is the guest of the cultural culture of the region, which is such that the same Weise is no longer brought. With a lot of certainty, that is our guest on the creditworthiness of one of the most important travel experiences with which we can enjoy our home.”

Michael Stendebach, vice president of Holland America Line’s Food, Beverage and Room division

Kochshow-Rezepte nach Regio

Frischer Heilbutt (c) Holland-America Line

The Koch shows traveling in Asia and other recipes that die in the Caribbean or Alaska show that the show focuses on the active travel soul. More cooking shows with Holland America Line’s Global Fresh Fish program used fresh fish from a distant situation.

Focused on the results of the shows

Chef Morimoto with frischem Fisch (c) Holland America Line

Alaska: Barbecue-Lachs-Schüssel, Honig-Sriracha-Lachs-Schüssel
Australia/​Neuseland: Australian Plattfisch in Pankokruste, Australian Barsch with Orangen-Wermut-Sauce, Korallenforelle with Steinpilzen und Speck, Gebratene Gelbflossenbrasse
Asia: Red Snapper with Coconut Curry and Gemüse, Lammkoteletts in Miso-Sesame-Kruste, Teriyaki-Lachs-Schale mit Blumenkohl-Reis, Lammkoteletts vom Mongolischen Grill, Zackenbarsch in Macadamia-Kruste, Japanese Schweinefleisch Katsue with Curry Sauce, Honig-Sriracha-Lachs- Schale, in der Pfanne gebratener Honig-Sake-Barramundi
Karibik: Zackenbarsch from the Bahamas with Speckgrütze, Tacos vom grilled Wolfsbarsch with würzigem Krautsalat and Limettencreme, Krustenfelsenfisch with Cou-Cou and Kokosnuss-Garnelen-Bisque.
Hawaii: Zackenbarsch in Macadamia-Kruste, Poke nach Kauai-Art, Lomi-Lomi-Lachs, Gebratener Opah mit Mango-Avocado-Relish
Sudpazifik: Japanese Schweinefleisch Katsu with Curry Sauce, Honig-Sriracha-Lachs-Bowl, Zackenbarsch in Macadamia-Kruste, Lomi-Lomi-Lachs, Ceviche with Schweinekoteletts, Huli-Huli-Huhn
South America: Gebratener Zackenbarsch with chilenischer Salsa, Grilled Shrimps with Chimichurri and Polenta, Empanadas with geschmortem kurzem Rippenstück, Peruanisches halfgebratenes Huhn
Mexico: Gebratener Thunfisch nach Oaxaca-Art, Zackenbarsch mit Reispilaw und Salsa Picante, Grilled Wolfsbarsch-Tacos met würzigem Krautsalat und Limettencreme

Jacques Torres (c) Holland-America Line

The new Koch shows are the young Neuerungen in Bereich Unterhaltung, Kulinarik and Getränke on the Schiffen of Holland America Line. The next new dishes include the first lines of credit and an expanded Pinnacle Grill menu of regionally inspired, local dishes.


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