Schweiz und Krieg: Wird Völkercriminalrecht is verletzt, ist Patentschutz fehl am Platz

Schweiz und Krieg: Wird Völkercriminalrecht is verletzt, ist Patentschutz fehl am Platz


Wird Völkercriminalrecht is verletzt, ist Patentschutz fehl am Platz

Schweiz und Krieg: Wird Völkercriminalrecht is verletzt, ist Patentschutz fehl am Platz

A Russian army has a control module for a dryer in the battle against the Ukrainian Defense Forces: Complex military technology often uses Dual-Use-Güter, which could also be seen militarily.

Photo: EPA

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The neutral debate is ongoing in Schweiz the Russian Aggression Krieg is the Ukraine newly ignited. Acht Generationen were born in our country without civil war (Sonderbundskrieg von 1847), zehn Generationen ohne bewaffneten Konflikt mit dem Ausland (Wiener Kongress von 1815). A Recipe for Europe?

If there is a huge upheaval, then with the Soul, the European Union will raise a neutral guarded Friedensmacht, after Schweizer Muster. The Marschplan sollte laten: «Einheit in Vielfalt» without the need to contribute to the well-being of human beings. Der Bundesrat has published more messages about “neutrality”. These analyzes from Schweizer Warte could serve in Zeiten von Ökozid und Klimawandel anyway von bevorstehenden Hegemonialbeben as Discussiongrundlage für Brüssel und de Hauptstädte Europas.

It can be a bald dream to spend large amounts of money on seemingly luxurious monumental rights to patents, marks, copyrights, etc., which arise throughout the universe of property rights. The Quantensprung took place in 1995 during the Inkrafttreten of the Abkommens-handelsbezogene Immaterialgüterrechte (Reizen) of the Welttrade Organization (WTO). Der vom Trips-Abkommen gewährte völkerrechtliche Schutz von geistigem Eigentum hát zu immenseen Such tabhängigkeit bei Konzernen auf globaler Ebene geführt. The Trips-Abkommen as «Viagra» for waffen products and handlers are now their bekämpfung of völkerrechtswidrigen Verbrechen nutzbar zu machen.

A Aufrüstungsspirale stands for

It is not the case that the fried federal states serve their own country in their territory of intangible law and technology, which serves the verletzung of the Völkercriminaljustice. There are patent protections for dual-use solutions, which generate enormous profits on the global market and a gleichzeitig zur desire from Genozid, Verbrechen will use the human scale, criticism and aggression.

The industrial revolutions were führt by industry, technology robbed, financing and financing secured by intangible law. Thanks to the Trips-Abkommen for following the great news. The Doha-Erklärung of the WTO in 2022, which has an einschränkung of patent rights for Covid impact substance, can serve as an inspiration – an entity of intangible rights through the conception of dual-use technology, which comes before public criminal justice forfeiture zum Einsatz. This mass can be used on the Sicherheit-sausnahme gemäss Article 73 of the Trips-Abkommens.

The fact is certain: the army on the whole became worried, it was an incomprehensible spiral of the airflow through the next generation, with a new Kriege and international war. A Grundpfeiler der neutral neutrality op 21. Jahrhundert was de Verweigerung von Immaterialgüterrechtsschutz zgunsten von Komplizen solcher Gewalt. In this spirit, the European Union cannot encounter an ideal principle of neutrality. I am the best of autumn during this period. Ideal for other regions of the world with a new fried ansporne.

Christophe Germann is Rechtsanwalt in Geneva.

Switzerland, China and Russia

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