Haiti: “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” set Work roads Gewalt ein

Haiti: “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” set Work roads Gewalt ein

Haitian politicians in Port-au-Prince in Einsatz, wee a Schusswechsel with a mutmaßlichen Bandenmitglied kommt

In Port au Prince, der Hauptstadt Haitis, ties are better with Sicherheitskräften and setzten Häuser in Brand. This was the case when landing a flight.12.11.2024 | 0:20 min

The rolled cattle and criminal gangs in the Caribbean State of Haiti are aimed at the Angaben of the United Nations in the new Ausmaße. At least 150 people were lost in the lost weeks, but 92 were lost. These United Nations treasures will last until November 13 and 16, 2024, with 20,000 people living in their homes.

For the few Hilfs organizations, nor for anyone else, it is urgently necessary for Hilfe to take action. Jetzt hat auch the Organization “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”, which started in Haiti over 30 years, the Arbeit has been set in motion.

Who made this separation and was for humanity was Diana Manilla Arroyo, country coordinator of “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” in Haiti.

ZDFheute: What are the reasons for the “outside borders” of entry, activities in the large area of ​​Port-au-Prince?

Diana Manila Arroyo: On September 11, a Krankenwagen from “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” was opened, while the patients were stopped by the Haitian police. You will enjoy our Mitarbeiter festivities and shoes in the Luft. Daraufhin wurde der Krankenwagen von der Polizei und bewaffneten Bürgern festgesetzt, de Reifen wurden zerstochen and das Ärzte-ohne-Grenzen-Personal mit Tränengas zum Aussteigen gezwungen.

They can help the patients with a focused mind.

Diana Manilla Arroyo, Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Then it is internally one of the four weeks that the Polizists have bedrohted our Vehicle and our Mitarbeiter zum Teil with Tod or Vergewaltigung. Our personal hats are bigger and cannot help other people, if our activities are carried out, they can obtain their Security Guarantee.

Lage in Haiti: Leben in der Hauptstadt lahmgelegt

When word gets out about the citizen, the police and tire insurers show up in self-righteous lynchings and anzünden. Before the police of Port-au-Prince erklärt, Polizisten und Einwohner hatten 28 Mitglieder krimineller Tires gotötet in a single night.

The whole uncertainty that lives in the main city is very important. The Human Rights Commissioner of the United Nations, Volker Türk, spoke in New York that four Millions of People in Port au Prince became “factual as Geiseln” content.

ZDFheute: “Around the Borders” is a matter of the world in different situations. Here you act as a direct contact with personals. Was steckt dahinter?

Arroyo: In all four cases of violations that the police found unaccused, the police helped and the police of the prevention. It is important here that the “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”-medizinische Hilfe stands somewhat on the ground of the medizinische Notnauwkeit slate. A patient is now for one patient: a patient.

Anyway, wherever it was, it was like this. We can help anyone, such as Zivilisten, Gangmitglieder or Polizisten.

Diana Manilla Arroyo, “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”

You can do anything with a Hilfe bekommen. This is the basis of our security: the inner atmosphere of business operations and respect for all parties, a matter of police. It is the first time that the “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” of the Police Department is used. This is not the case.

Caribbean State of Haiti

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ZDFheute: Was the Konsequenzen or Entscheidung für de Haitian Bevölkerung?

Arroyo: “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” has an Orten, where the health system does not exist – and weil öffentliche Angestellte dort nicht to say whether the risk is a little. Dort since then wir.

In a single week he has helped 1,000 patients, 50 children and sexually abused 80 children.

Diana Manilla Arroyo, “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”

We live without the burden of care and change otherwise. If you want to earn more money, you can rely on healthcare and humanitarian care from all Sicherheitskraften.

A Arzt with a Mund-Nasen-Schutz trägt een in een Decke-hülltes Kind von een Schiff

Ärzte ohne Grenzen is one of the major organizations for medical Nothilfe. Since 50 years it has been in 70 countries of the world, often under great conditions.21.12.2021 | 1:30 min

ZDFheute: Who is that?

Arroyo: The new Prime Minister and his Cabinet have been to the Office for the first time and have strengthened their Hindernissen-führt. There has never been a first step in Haiti in a short period of time. It’s not the first thing that has happened, but it is an unsafe situation. It is the first time that the Zielscheibe der Polizei were wurden.

Deshalb is most likely, the registration of the deception is no longer possible and the 30-year engagement is known here in the country and the note is no longer valid, a guarantee is not guaranteed.

Two disguised men stehen mit Gewehren in een gengen Gasse.

Erpressung, Entführung, Mord: in de Karibikstaat Haiti terrorizes 70 Banden die Bevölkerung und stürzen das von Armut geplage Land ins Chaos. The Police is powerless.
21.12.2021 | 42:49 min

ZDFheute: Who knows what the situation is like in his situation?

Arroyo: We can do whatever is necessary for this organization of the organization. We clear, we leave Hilfe, wee es sonst no one tut. And the Tatsache, it is no longer true that it is so, is very swingy.

It is a herzzerreißend, patients absweisen zu müssen.

Diana Manilla Arroyo, “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”

If you would like to know more about this innovative approach, you should obtain a good respect and good health for our vehicles, our employees, our Einrichtungen and our patients.

The interview with Steffanie Riess from the ZDF-Auslandesstudio Washington.

Chaos in Haiti

:Security force from Kenya soll Haiti

Gangs terrorize the government and dominate the Caribbean state of Haiti for a few years. A Security Force from Kenya will be involved. Is it an Erfolgsrezept?

by Stefanie Riess

Schwer bewaffnete men stand in front of a Maschendrahtzaun in Tarnkleidung.


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