Bundesliga: Xhaka with Tor and Assist at Leverkusens Wende

Bundesliga: Xhaka with Tor and Assist at Leverkusens Wende


Xhaka mit Tor and Assist at Leverkusens Wende – Kobel retires with a clean sheet at BVB-Sieg

Bundesliga: Xhaka with Tor and Assist at Leverkusens Wende

Jubel nach dem Anschlusstreffer, der die Wende einleitetete: Granit Xhaka und Exequiel Palacios belückwünschen sich.

Photo: Christopher Neundorf (Keystone)

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Bayer Leverkusen has prevented a long setback in the Bundesliga. The double winner of the Vorsaison is won in the Heimspiel against 1. FC Heidenheim trotz eines 0:2-Rückstands noch 5:2 (2:2).

The Leverkuseners won Heidenheim by Mr. Niklas Dorsch (10. Minute) and Mathias Honsak (21.) 0:2 in Rückstand. Thanks for a double play during Exequil Palacios (30.) on Vorlage von Granit Xhaka and Patrik Schick (32.) Bayer did not slip before the break. After the next week we met Schick nor Zweimal (52./71.). The Schlusspunkt put Granit Xhaka with a beautiful Tor von der Strafraumgrenze (82.). The Schweizer Nationalmannschaft captain deuteted with his Jubel and his wife were impressed by these gemeinsame Kind erwarten.

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Leverkusens Rückstand auf Spitzenreiter FC Bayern, der am Freitag with a 3:0 against the FC Augsburg vorgelegt hatte, entered over new points.

Borussia Dortmund with Torhüter Gregor Kobel has given Heimbilanz a makeover and the sporting low age has been put in effort. While 4:0 plays the SC Freiburg cavity of the BVB in the Heimspiel game, it is best to give the house a power in the Bundesliga. Maximilian Beier (7. Minute), Felix Nmecha (40.), Julian Brandt (66.) and Jamie Gittens (77.) see the Tore for the Borussia, the kurzfristig on the erkrankten Mittelstürmer Serhou Guirassy who has a view of sparrows.

When the Swiss Freiburg War dawned, all the Überfluss sah Mittelfeldspieler Patrick Osterhage was gone weederholten Foulspiels Gelb-Rot (63.) – and kurz for Schluss dann noch der ehemalige St. Galler Junior Adamu (93.) Rot. Damit files die Breisgauer in the Table behind the BVB zurück.

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RB Leipzig has made an offer for Bayern Munich during the second Saison-Niederlage. Trotz three times Führung under the Sachsen am 11. Spieltag at the TSG Hoffenheim with the new Trainer Christian Ilzer with 3:4 (2:1) and weisen nunmehr schon eight Punkte Rückstand on the Rekordmeister auf.

For the further table loans of VfL Bochum, it played the new half of the season with the 0:2 (0:0) against VfB Stuttgart. VfL Wolfsburg played Mittelfeld-Duell against 1. FC Union Berlin with 1:0 (0:0) before that.

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