Lucknow: Gorakhpur Police arrested four suspects and arrested a minor on Sunday in connection with a high-profile burglary at an electronics store. The burglary, which took place on October 21, involved the theft of Rs 45.4 lakh worth of cash and valuable gold and silver coins. Police have recovered Rs 36.61 lakh, one gold coin, two silver coins, two motorcycles and five mobile phones from the suspect.
The arrested suspects are: Raj Kumar Singh alias Tinku, Sultan alias Raju, Adarsh Mishra alias Salone, and Ramraksha Yadav alias Teju Yadav. They were stopped on the outskirts of the city as they tried to flee. Police have also arrested a minor linked to the gang. The gang has registered around 40 cases while Raj Kumar Singh has a maximum of 14 cases against him.
Police said Raj Kumar was the mastermind of the gang and committed similar burglaries in Nepal and Bhutan. His criminal record will be checked in Nepal and other states of India.
The complaint was filed by the owner of Khatu Sales Companyan electronics wholesaler in Durgabari, who reported a burglary involving cash and valuables.
Gorakhpur SSP Gaurav Grover said a 10-member police team scanned CCTV cameras for about a week. The suspects were identified and later arrested based on a tip. Grover said initial investigations showed the young suspect, an employee of the store, provided crucial information about the store’s cash flow, which helped the gang plan the robbery.
Additional DG, Gorakhpur Zone, KS Pratap, announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh for the police team that cracked the case.
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