AdWatch: Dan Bishop claims Jeff Jackson ‘hugged’ a sex offender. Here’s the context.

AdWatch: Dan Bishop claims Jeff Jackson ‘hugged’ a sex offender. Here’s the context.

Republicans accuse U.S. Rep. Jeff Jackson, the Democratic nominee for North Carolina attorney general, of embracing and praising a child molester.

Jackson and Republican U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop are in a situation tight race for attorney general, a position currently held by Democrat Josh Stein, who is running for governor. Bishop’s campaign is broadcast television advertisement It shows Jackson hugging a Charlotte man named Chad Turner, who the Bishop campaign describes as a “child molester.”

“In 2016, child molester Chad Turner became one of Charlotte’s most notorious sex offenders. A few years later, Jeff Jackson accepted an award from and hugged Chad Turner,” says a narrator in the Bishop ad.

The ad then features a clip of Jackson at a microphone on stage, saying, “I’m so grateful for what you’ve done.”

The ad ends with voters saying, “This is wrong. It’s terrible. Everyone knew this man. How can a mother of any child trust Jeff Jackson when they do? With children there are no words. I I voted for the Democrats before.” I can’t vote for Jeff Jackson.”

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Bishop’s attack on Jackson could prove significant in the attorney general election. A SurveyUSA/WRAL News Poll The survey conducted between Oct. 23 and 26 showed Jackson leading the bishop 44% to 42% — with 14% of respondents saying they were undecided. But the ad omits some context about Turner and Jackson that could give voters a different impression of their interaction. Jackson’s campaign said Jackson has no relationship with Turner. It has demanded the bishop stop airing the ad, saying it contains “false” statements and implications.

Who is Chad Turner? Turner, formerly Chad Sevearance, is a registered sex offender in North Carolina. State records show that in 1998, when he was 20, Turner was accused of committing a lewd act against a 15-year-old child in South Carolina — a charge for which he was convicted in 2000. He currently serves as the president and CEO of the Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce in Charlotte, the group said website.

Neither Turner nor the Carolina LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce responded to requests for comment.

What does the video show? Bishop’s campaign ad shows images of Jackson hugging Turner, with the ad’s narrator claiming that Jackson “accepted an award” from Turner.

The images are from December 13, 2022, award ceremony organized by the Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce. The group – which has several staff members and 10 board members – selected Jackson for the Advancing Equity Award. Turner presented it to Jackson on stage.

What does the video leave out? Jackson’s campaign pointed out that he was one of several lawmakers and businesses receiving awards. In 2022, the group’s Advancing Equity Award was also presented to U.S. Rep. Alma Adams, D-NC. NASCAR, the New Belgium Brewing Co. and security company CIS Patrol Services also received awards that year. The Professional Golf Association, Charlotte City Council and Mecklenburg County Commissioners also received awards in 2021.

Who did Jackson praise in the video? Bishop’s ad features footage of Jackson saying, “I’m so grateful for what you’ve done.” On social media, the Republican Party of North Carolina said Jackson “praises convicted child molesters like Chad Turner.” Jackson has accused Bishop’s campaign of deceptively editing the video. Jackson says his comments in the video were directed at the Carolina LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, not Turner specifically. The video footage in Bishop’s ad shows Jackson looking at the crowd as he speaks.

Did Jackson know about Turner’s record? Bishop’s ad shows a woman saying, “Everyone knew about this guy.” Jackson says he knew nothing about Turner’s record. In a statement to PolitiFact, Jackson’s campaign noted that the congressman “attends hundreds of events and meets thousands of people across North Carolina.” And on October 30, Jackson’s campaign sent one letter to Bishop who demanded that his campaign stop airing the ad.

“When he received the award in 2022, Representative Jackson had no knowledge of Mr. Turner’s criminal record, nor did he have any relationship with him at any time,” the Jackson campaign letter said. It continued: “Your statements and implications are simply untrue. Worse yet, you published these statements knowing they were false in hopes of gaining ground on Rep. Jackson. Your lies must stop, and they must stop now.”

In answersent Bishop a letter claiming that the ad does not amount to defamation because “the video evidence of Jeff’s embrace of this registered sex offender is irrefutable.” Bishop also said Jackson’s claim — that he knew nothing about Turner’s record — is “ridiculous.”

Bishop and other Republicans have noted that Turner’s criminal record has been reported by several media sockets over the years. The Charlotte Observer for example, reported in 2016 that Turner stepped down from his role as president of the Charlotte LGBT Chamber of Commerce became later the Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce – overseen by conservative political groups. In 2020, he rejoined the group, The Observer reported.


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