Thales “Friendly Hackers Unit” has introduced Metamodell for research into AI-generating deepfake images

Thales “Friendly Hackers Unit” has introduced Metamodell for research into AI-generating deepfake images

c) Thales c) Thales

  • I am one of the French agents for Verteidigungsinnovation (AID) organisierten Herausforderung, Bilder zu kend, de von derzeitigen KI-Plattformen erstellt wurden, entwickelten de Teams bij cortAIx, dem Thales KI-Beschleuniger, een Metamodell, welches in der Lage ist, KI -generierte Deepfakes zu recognised.

  • Thales’ Metamodel is based on a collection of models, creating a true statement of truth that provides an image, a recognition that is real or fake.

  • Künstlich erstellte KI-Bild-, Video und Audio-inhalte were taken into account for Fehlinformations-, Manipulations- und Betrugszwecke.

MEUDON, France, November 20, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Künstliche Intelligenz is the main theme of the cyber week from November 19 to 21 in Rennes, Brittany. In a reconstruction effort, the French Defense Innovation Agent (AID) has deployed the Thales Teams for this transformation organization in a metamodel for the development of AI-generated images. The end result of AI technology, while we continued and in a certain period of time became more knowledgeable in the media, was an influence on the economic sector, which would lead to the metamodell zur deep fakeerkennung a road, image manipulation in perhaps unsuccessful developments. dem Kampf gegen Identity card for protection.

AI-generated photos were taken from AI platforms with Midjourney, Dall-E and Firefly. An investigation has been conducted into the inner experience of the years of the use of deepfakes for identity data and investments to increase financial interests. Gartner estimates that approximately 20% of cybercrime in the year 2023 will involve deepfake in the fight against false information and manipulation campaigns. Ihr Message1 explains the Anstieg der Nutzung von Deepfakes in financial fraud and misused Phishing attacks.

Thales Metamodell for deepfake recognition addresses the problem of identification strategies and a morphing technology,2 sagging Christophe Meyer, Senior Expert at AI and CTO of cortAIx, Thales KI-Beschleuniger . „Der Einsatz morehrerer Methoden mit neuernnetze, Rauschdetektion und räumlicher Frequenzanalyse hilft uns dabei, de zunehmende Anzahl von Lösungen, welche biometric identification erordern, besser zu schützen. It is a remarkable technology that distinguishes the expertise of KI-Forscher von Thales.

Thales metamodels have useless techniques for machine learning, model design, and model analysis with authentic analysis of an image. The combined model, with its design:

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  • The CLIP method (contrastive language-image pretraining) is carried out with the display of images and text, while the Darstellungen learn. If you recognize deepfakes, analyze the CLIP method image and mistake it against the text description, you cannot install new data and identify art objects that you can identify.

  • The method DNF (Diffusion Noise Feature) has now generated a Bildgenerierungsarchitekturen (Diffusionsmodelle), a Deepfakes to recognize. Distribution models based on a Schätzung der Rauschmenge, the einem Bild hinzugefügt became muss, a a “Halluzination” of erzeugen, while inhaling the Nichten erschafft and this Schätzung can be consumed, a festivity, ob a Bild von a KI generated .

  • The DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) method with an in-depth analysis of the frequency of an image, a hidden art act that is recognized. By displaying an image of the dom (pixel) representation in the frequency display, DCT can recognize subtle deviations in the image structure, which are removed during the installation of deepfakes and discovered before the flowering of the image.

The Thales team hinted at the search for a team of cortAIx, the KI-Beschleuniger of the Gruppe, the 600 KI-Forscher und -Ingenieure beschäftigt, of the 150 in Research and Technology Cluster Saclay south of Paris and an uninterestcritical system. The team of “Friendly Hackers” has put together a Toolbox called “BattleBox”, a robust system of AI-structured systems that can ensure that the intrinsic Schwachstellen varied KI-Modelle (einschließlich larger Sprachmodelle) with a feindliche Angriffe and Much, sensible information about extracting auszunutzen. If you’re worried about stirring your body, join the learning, learning, modeling, and modeling team.

2023 Thales seine Expertise während der CAID Veranstaltung (Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense), which of the French Defense Management (DGA) organizations were organized and if so, the AI ​​training data would be found, even after the evaluation of the performance of the system.

Uber Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a prosperous high-performance technology company with a specialized area of ​​expertise: Verteidigung und Sicherheit, Luft- und Raumfahrt as well as Cybersecurity and Digital Identity.

The group includes products and solutions that help, make the world safe, greener and including machines.

Thales is rapidly investing €4 billion in investments and investments, including in key innovations in AI, cybersecurity, quantitative technology, cloud technology and 6G.

Thales hat 81 000 Beschäftigte in 68 Ländern. 2023 Erwirtschaftete de Gruppe einen Umsatz von 18.4 Billionen Euro.


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1 Gartner’s 2023 Notice Includes New Cybersecurity Risks.

2 By changing one face to another, the visual image of branded males is rewarded, a realistic image that is composed, combining elements from both combinations. The end of the story looks like an abuse between the two by the Erscheinungsbildern.

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Marion Bonnet
Thales PR Managerin
[email protected]


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