Stahl Gerlafingen: Unternehmen view of the Kündigungen

Stahl Gerlafingen: Unternehmen view of the Kündigungen

Krise at Stahlwerk

Stahl Gerlafingen looks at the Kündigungen

Stahl Gerlafingen: Unternehmen view of the Kündigungen

Mitarbeiter der Stahl Gerlafingen AG protests Anfang November 2024 gegen die planted Entlassungen.

Photo: Marcel Bieri (Keystone)

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Stahl Gerlafingen in Canton Solothurn warted the political division in the Bundesbene: the Stahlwerk overview was viewed at the Abbau of 120 Couples. The Italian Beltrame Group collaborates with the instrumentation for part of the business operations in Anspruch.

Damit wolle man in Absprache mit der Eignerfamilie dies the power over politics outside, teilte Stahl Gerlafingen in Mittwoch mit.

“Sollten all political projects find more heit in the Räten, where the Stahl Gerlafingen are a stable future perspectives,” CEO Alain Creteur said last. These are the true values ​​of the future, that the Beltrame Group at Standort festivals can be.

All Gewinne, which are authorized in Gerlafingen, are seen as Investitionen ins Werk zurückgeflossen. Beltrame stehe bereit, das auch in Zukunft zu tun, hiss es in der Medienmitteilung.

Parliament has reduced Netz costs

Laut Creteur for obtaining Stahl Gerlafingen and Subventionen, under the Wiederherstellung of fair Wettbewerbsbedingungen. The political discussion is a temporary saving on net costs and a so-called recycling company for the steel industry.

Auch der Einsatz von einheimische Stahl bei öffentlichen Bauten steht zur Debatte. These adjustments would “correct a little” the stability of the EU-defined market conditions.

So after the sister ständeratskommission made three moves, the mass production of steel production in the Schweiz area has disappeared. In the National Council, the sister Commission is the man who wants to improve the management of energy-intensive processes for metal production.

The man played a major role in politics and representation during World War II, and Creteur’s CEO went further. Greater gratitude is one of the efforts of the social partner. Creteur: «All our Kraft articles would be placed, one of these works in the Zukunft zu führen.»

Works see «Etappensieg»

The Gewerkschaften Unia, Syna sowie der kaufmännische Verband Schweiz und Angestellte Schweiz write in a stellungnahme von een «wichtigen Etappensieg». The camp of the Stahlarbeiter has said Wirkung. The view of the processing is a specific wish to proceed.

The Parliament and the Bundesrat must now have ‘Nägel mit Köpfen machen’. It is clear that costs for the Swiss Steel Industry have become prohibitive. If production and craftsmanship in Switzerland take a long time, production and craftsmanship in Switzerland must take a long time.

Schweizer Stahlschrott wiederverwenden

Schweiz’s largest recycling work represents steel-related material that runs half of Betonstahl’s production in the Schweiz company. It was restored with more than 80 percent of the original Stahlschrott.

Massive legal orders were met by Absatz and Marge des Solothurner Werks themselves at the Schweizer Heimmarkt. There is an end to the financing by quitting, finishing the work in October, investing the company in the financial sector and completing its financing.

Kriselnde Schweizer Stahlwerke


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