Dance a charcuterie de Baianesein the province of Avellinoles carabiniers du Nas ont There are many tons of pork and other viande-based products. If you have control, the device is certain products, and it consists of congelated and sous vide foods, is preserved under the conditions of care and mixing.
The preservation of the food does not present the inside of the meat products with respect to hygiene and sanitary standards. Au cours des contrôles, les agents up également saisi 84 kilo de «ciccioli», etiquetés comme production propre, mais en réalité provenant d’un company de la province de Naples. Les huit ouvriers presents a unique identityus dépourvus de contract regular. Parmi ces travailleurs, cinq citizens can cheat on the dénonces for entering and staying irregularities in the Italian territory.
The authorities who immediately sell the charcuterie make the owner irregular in the operation of the main business and cause serious violations of safety standards at work. And plus the ruling, the owner pays a change of two cents mille euros. The ensemble of the saisie has an environmental value of millions of euros.
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