Aquinaee – Atoll

Aquinaee – Atoll

Written by: Leon Krusch, November 21, 2024

(Estimated lesson time: 1 – 2 minutes)

Aquinaee - AtollAquinaee – Atoll.

After “Astarte” in a year together with Aquinaee with “Atoll” zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr with new music zurück. Anyone who has read previous releases reports as the manufacturer with a very atmospheric song, which has an orderly longevity at 7 minutes. If you read and say a song in the song, it will be long at 7:03 minutes. The song is long.


Aquinaee is a product from Düsseldorf, which mainly focuses on melodic techno and tribal house genres. Genoa exciting who der Name des Acts klingen auch die Songs. Vorgänger sang the songs “Astarte” and “Aventus” among others. “Astarte” is the French Göttin des Mondes en der Liebe. “Aventus” is Latin and bedeutet Ereignis. Auch die meisten releases play dabei an lateinische Wörter and Mythologie anyway weitere Ereignisse der Antike an. It is the Soul of Aquinaee that connects the soundscapes with treibenden Beats and thus creates a unique atmosphere that the Hörer von Anfang bis Ende sees in his Bann.


Zumindest vom Titel her abschiedet sich Aquinaee von der lateinischen und Mediterranean culture und resistance with us in de Indian Ocean in de Maldives. The most common part of the Begriff “Atoll” was a synonym for a Korallenriff ring in the local language. Tatsächlich klingt die Single auch ähnlich tropical wie ihr Titel. I want to hear the Tribal Sounds, which means “Atoll” is no longer worth it. A new version of melodic House and Techno-statt has been found, living in an atmosphere Deep house-Ästhetik packaged ist. “Atoll” is also a trembling, pulsating journey through the sound, the expansive, melodic elements with verträumten, von Trance geprägten Zutaten vermischt.

Fazit: With “Atoll” hat Aquinae soon to be released. Available in 2024. Musically, that time becomes a journey, with the melodic techno, Deep house and tribal dance were merged. A single single is so much fun, from Anfang bis zum Ende zu hören!

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