Riesen-Wut on Jaguar! Degrading reactions to the Werbe campaign | Politics

Riesen-Wut on Jaguar! Degrading reactions to the Werbe campaign | Politics

Was it a success in this Werbeleute? Jaguar started its service in a new Werbekampagne – and within Stunden weltweit a Riesen-Wutwelle auf sich!

Tesla boss Elon Musk wrote: “Verkauft ihr Autos?” Another X-Nutzer comment: “Jaguar has gotten an idea to increase its market identity.”

De Kampagne wrote a weiterer of more than 200,000 critical comments on X (Twitter) and said “more modern nonsense that woke up nonsense”. There is an excerpt: “Do they even know their own skills? That’s not a sign!’

Was war passion? The British luxury car repairer (part of the Indian Tata Company since 2008) wants to launch a “new car for Jaguar” and find a “grund on a new gestaltet logo”.

There is a problem: the new logo has an iconic Raubtier – the Jaguar.

It is the Jaguar logo, the quality is higher

It is the Jaguar logo, the quality is higher

Photo: Repairman

The new logo in the kühler script for pink background and stone – and for everything Jaguar

The new logo in the kühler script for pink background and stone – and for everything Jaguar

Photo: Jaguar/X

The logo on the kühlergrill with the offensive Jaguar-Maul was removed and replaced by a kühl design containing “J” and “R”.

A couple finds you on Twitter

Um mit Inhalten aus Twitter und othischen Socialen Netzwerken are interacting of diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

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But not now that: Im dazugehörigen Clip tanzen Menschen in bunten Klamotten zu electronic more Musik, dazu were Slogans blended in with “copy nothing” (“kopiere nichts”) or “break moulds” (“breche Schablonen”).

The photos are a death Drag queen-Szene at the Olympia-Eröffnungsfeier in Paris as the Werbung for a luxury car – and as a Schulbuch-Beispiel for Marketing-Versagen in de Geschichte gehen.

Was the clip completely complete: a car…

Luxury, Silence, Technology, Geschwindigkeit, a powerful driving engine – everything, was a man with a Sports Car who brought the F-Type into the Verbindung hat, seems plötzlich at Jaguar radiated away:

A couple finds you on Twitter

Um mit Inhalten aus Twitter und othischen Socialen Netzwerken are interacting of diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

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While Jaguar was playing in Britain with a James Bond art film series, in one of the best films, British film music and British luxury sister were heard. “It’s good to be bad,” says the world, as an elegant man drives a Jaguar through London at full throttle.

A couple finds you on Twitter

Um mit Inhalten aus Twitter und othischen Socialen Netzwerken are interacting of diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

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2024 don’t show me more davon übrig – don’t die Liebe zum Auto. A speech by Jaguar Markets strategy chiefs Santino Pietrosanti is used on Twitter, who speak for minutes about LGBTQI+ rights, self-defense and sexual expression. Aber nicht über Autos…

Quiet, Elegant, Luxurious who can enjoy the Classic E-Type in the new Jaguar Campaign

Quiet, Elegant and Luxurious who can enjoy the Classic E-Type in the new Jaguar Campaign

Photo: Repairman

Schon 2021 is equipped with Jaguar Land Rover and no electric cars will be available until 2025 – there is a schwerer Schlag for all fans. Schadenfreudig notice that the Mittwoch is probably a problem, the Auto-Verkäufe Jaguars will have a grim rückläufing for years.

“Hello Jaguar, I have carried out a serious Werbung repair. I have spent two minutes using it, write a Nutzer and post a picture of it, who can view a Jaguar vehicle:

A couple finds you on Twitter

Um mit Inhalten aus Twitter und othischen Socialen Netzwerken are interacting of diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

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Jaguar’s Social Media Team would like to know that a new car presentation this month – at an art and cousin event at a car fair (the Art World in Miami) is appreciated. If Unternehmen verspricht, that is a punch, then: “The lavish indulgence of Farben is an Eckpfeiler of the new Markenidentität of Jaguar”.



“If Jaguar-Fahrer would not be brought into connection here,” wrote an Nutzer zum new Werbe-Video. Another response that says the price has fallen is this: “I will sell Jaguar – it won’t even happen.”

“Culture is changing more rapidly than everyday life,” Schrieb Marketing expert Nick Trimmer. “When you’ve done a complete rebranding at a cultural moment, here’s what you can do: It happened quickly, before the moment even started.”

And another tip: “Imagine that the cultural moment is the best ETWAS with your brand identity.”


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