Bollywood actress Shilpa Shettyknown for her beauty and charm, once shared a funny reason why her staff gets irritated with her every now and then. In an old interview with Lehren TV, Shilpa shared insights into her work ethic and what keeps her motivated, while also revealing a lighter side of her personality.
In the video, Shilpa looked dazzling in a glittering outfit, adorned with gemstone jewelery including earrings, a bracelet and a ring.
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Her look was completed with glossy makeup with blushed cheeks, shimmery blue eyeshadow and glossy lips. She styled her hair in a bun, giving off a glamorous look.
The actress admitted that she kept her enthusiasm going discipline and order in her life, her team sometimes annoys. She said her commitment to perfection and punctuality could leave her staff feeling challenged. Shilpa humorously shared that they often joked about her meticulousness, sometimes calling it overwhelming.
The interview also sheds light on what drives Shilpa to continue working tirelessly in the film industry and beyond. She cited her focus on staying positive, embracing a healthy lifestyle and always striving for excellence as key factors that fuel her passion.
While fans appreciated her candor and admired her dedication, the video also sparked a conversation online. Many viewers turned their attention to her makeup and commented on the vibrant, bold choices she made for the look. While some praised her style, others thought it was a bit over the top.
Despite the mixed reactions, Shilpa continues to inspire fans with her self-confidence and dedication to living a disciplined and fulfilling life.
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