(Agence Ecofin) – Africa displays the main types of forests in the world. Improving surface exploitation and investing in transformation can help the continent increase its revenues.
The continent of Africa is one of the regions of the world that is driving profits out of forest resources. It is the report of the FAO institution « La Situation des forêts du monde 2024 – Innovations in the forest sector for a life plus sustainability ».
When the organism is in use, African representation will be 2% of global exports of foresters’ chiffre products to USD 127 billion in 2022. This share contrasts with the importance of the forest couverture. Covering an area of 637 million hectares, the region accounts for 16% of the global forest area, an estimated 4 billion hectares.
By comparison, the FAO indicates that the European Union has extracted 43% of global forest products, while 4% of the global forest area is absent.
To explain the paradox, the organism has a soul of the body that 90% of the energy in the economy is used as a source of energy, it is flammable for the heating or the cuisson, against for example 49.4% at the global level. It remains the main source of energy for most of the African population as a reason to access home cooking facilities.
The 10% remainder that is exported is an important part of an untransformed form. In the basin of the Congo by example of the 6 regions (Gabon, République démocratique du Congo, République du Congo, Guinée équatoriale, Cameroun et Centrafrique) present for the pressure on the levels of the surfaces of African forest areas, the respective productions of sciages, placages and grumes de bois tropicaux ne represents 6%, 9.7% and 5.3% of the OCDE’s global supply for the environment.
« As a result, Africa will enjoy much more than 10% of the value of its life, and the sector of most of the 10% of employment will have a greater share of the products a greater share of the final products and the yield half -end production and export », to the FAO.
Le Gabon, model à suivre
If the generation of maximum value in the forest sector spends time on the continent of Africa, it is not that the efforts are a real failure to change the change. The FAO cites the context of the case from Gabon which was the first time between 2010 and 2010.
« The result is that the production of science increases fourfold between 2009 and 2022 (passage of 2.8 million de m3 at 10.3 million de m3), and the paid export plus the whole country, the export of this product costs 1.7 million de million3 and 2009 at 0.01 million de m3 en 2022 ». The point of the FAO is one of the ideas that is wrong in the prospect of a report fromEcofin Pro and May Denier.
Amaze « Ban on export of grumes in the Congo basin: the long march »The document with a great plus value is a large part of the work of the autorités gabonaises who encourage the private sector to invest in the transformation. The note of the year 2011 of the Nkok Special Economic Zone (Gabon Special Economic Zone – GSEZ) and a partnership with Arise IIP (Integrated Industrial Platforms), and the adoption of a very favorable tax regime for the transformation industries of the forest .
Espoir Olodo
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