Kinder solen wieder Children’s life – change from social media and cybermobbing. So woolen people in Ireland fell Eltern and Schulen, the smartphone view was vereinbart.
22.12.2024, 14:41
It’s a Zvieri time for 10-year-old Jane and 8-year-old Schwester Rachel. While they are both having an erdbeerkuchen, she mumbles Christina Capatina in Stücke schneidet en ververilt.
Rachel (left) and her Schwester Jane made their own beer kuchen.
With my beer cough, Rachel and Jane can punk on Instagram and Co. When there are no more smartphones, there are photos of posts. «Other Kinder finds his heart. I can use my smartphone, Rachel said. «Diesen Erdbeerkuchen muss auch nicht die whole Welt gesehen haben.»
The free supervision of the Schule
Rachel and Jane are waiting in Greystones, about 20 kilometers south of the Irish main city of Dublin. In Greystones, almost all children have become more likely to have alternative own smartphones in their lives, they can use their own smartphones for a few years in the first years of the last century, in their children before the 12th.
The Mutter of Jane and Rachel, Christina Capatina (left), is happy that the children in Greystone’s niece on Handys were seen – that the children were not abgeholt from the Eltern of Nannies.
The children who are at recess and play or play in the school can see their handy stars and go through the average media of scrolling.
Was gilding in European countries?
Ireland is a Spezialfall with seiner Verzichtsvereinbarung zwischen Eltern und Schulen. Most other European states are established in the primary and teilweise sector in the field of smartphone technology.
In Italy, smartphones in debt were no longer allowed: the Italian Behörden of the Schülerinnen and Schülern das Mitbringen von Smartphones since 2007, the war was the first Smartphone – Apple’s iPhone – erhältlich. But that ban will not always be strictly enforced, who writes Euronews.
Auch in Albania is that smartphones can be used to spend more years on debt. In Spain, geschah Anfang dies 2024.
Griechenland, Frankreich and Ungarn suck in Spätsommer 2024 nach. De Niederlande has never had a schritt and his debts started with smartwatches, tablets and other electronic devices in the classroom.
A landesweetes Verbot bzw. Einschränkungen prüfen gegenwärtig in Finland and Belgium. In the Vereinigten Königreich there is a parliamentary initiative in Beratung, the ein landesweetes verb is wollen.
This is the case in the following countries: In Germany, Poland, Denmark, Portugal, Croatia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, schools and schools can have autonomous Smartphone applications.
A clear Mehrheit of the Eltern War that can be played so easily, against Christina Capatina. «Children’s hats are a major source of pressure these days. You say: ‘Mom, all my friends have smartphones. We have only one thing or another.›»
Smartphone-free Kindness
School teacher Rachel Harper from St. Patrick’s National School came up with the idea. If you want to use the Eltern debt, you can further elaborate on the primary tasks in your plan’s schedule. «Viele hatten anfänglich Angst, als formundende Eltern dazustehen. But in zwischen haben 96 Prozent der Eltern den Verzichtspakt unterschrieben. That’s fantastic.”
Schullerin Rachel Harper is concerned about the Unterstützung der Eltern beim Smartphone-Verzicht.
The Schools do not intend to use the Rad der Zeit, says Harper: “If the Primary School Students and Students are prepared to spend their time there, if they are students in the Secondary School, they will have their own Smartphone – so you will then know who is a man in the sozials Medien verhalten sollte.»
Einschränkungen in der Sekundarschule
Irish Foreign Minister Norma Foley thinks the free overview is a “super idea”. She will have the Greystones model brought out of the country. “All we’ve done is get kids learning and social media selling, when they put their smartphones away. It starts in your life and in your Lernumfeld in debt.”
UNESCO empfiehlt Smartphone-Verbot in Schulen
The UNO Organization for Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Kommunikation empfiehlt, Smartphones and Schulen have been banned. Look at the content and background of the learning. The UNESCO employees, the new technologies in the debt sector, will now no longer make any effort to use a nuts in learning activities.
See the smartphones in second place with the word: the schülerinnen and schüler-müssen in their smartphones are a success in the school in their own possession that schliessfächer versorgen and dare the smartphones first for the relief of the debts that herausholen. In Popes and am Mittag, smartphones will be abolished, and this also applies to the Bildungsministerin.
The lock of Eltern’s smartphone
All without electronic devices watch the children in Ireland then but not auf. Rachel and Jane enjoy playing with their tablet while enjoying their time. Or use an Eltern smartphone.
Ihre Mutter says: «The smartphone display is not a Wundermittel. There are more discussions about the Bildschirmzeit.» Although Jane and Rachel are patient for a few years, their own smartphones are recommended.
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