Hereinspaziert: Tagungshaus Wörglöffnet wieder nach Generalsanierung

Hereinspaziert: Tagungshaus Wörglöffnet wieder nach Generalsanierung

After a construction period of 1.5 years, the Tagungshaus in Wörgl am Donnerstag seine Wiedereröffnung im Beisein zahlreicher Ehrengäste.

WÖRGL. “Yes, we have a whole lot of work, but we are still happy with our work since. We have been there for a long time in our new guest house, modern and open-minded Art and Wine” – Tagungshaus director Herwig Ortner said that he had a clear understanding of the nature of his work after the General remediation. Gemeinsam met zahlreichen Ehrengästen, Darrunter Erzbischof Franz Lackner, dem Landeshauptmann von Tirol Anton Mattle, Stadtpfarrer Christian Hauser, dem Bürgermeister von Wörgl Michael Riedhart, zelebrierte man am Donnerstag, the 21. November die Wiedereröffnung with Ansprachen and Dankesworten im Festsaal, then Ehrwürdigen Nachmittag ließ man dann bei een geselligen Buffet in the new, modern Räumlichkeiten ausklingen.

“House of Bildung and Emotion”

Salzburg in Wörgl in Neuem Glanz. So if you are concerned with the modernization of education, and can see the ergebnis: Helle, grand stature Räumeladen zum Verweilen one, with new Fenster and a more modern Vollwärmeschutz for an angenehmes Raumklima take care of. A photovoltaic installation can counteract the installation of solar energy. The modernization has started with new buildings in barrier-free, energy-efficient and user-friendly.

“The room has a different quality. That’s all the power of the house is a guest-friendly environment, including people with good care and experience, as well as a strong service and support system.”

message Tagungshaus director Herwig Ortner. More than 20 companies were one of the general remediation activities, while other people were responsible for the umbaumaßnahmen-stetig vom Bauamt Wörgl. The Tagungshaus soll für Zusammenhalt in der Gesellschaft, gleichermasßen wie mit der Verbindung zu Gott stehen. It is a central service for church and charitable initiatives. After the statue was written in the large Tagungshaus, the Redner was on the concrete works of the Festnachmittag. Landeshauptmann Anton Mattle, Mayor Michael Riedhart and Stadtholder Christian Hauser say that the Tagungshaus is a space for reflection and emotion.

During the Festsaal War, it is worth answering and saying thanks for the first time. | Photo: Nimpf

Landeshauptmann Mattle proves that “the Erzdiozese Salzburg with its 61 Pfarren auf Tiroler Boden meint is serious, if he invests in hospitality, education and service at that level”.

Cost: approximately four million euros

The general clean-up cost four million euros in the country of Tyrol, the Bund will cover the costs for Erzdiozese Salzburg itself. Director Ortner made it clear in his speech that the man was either a member of the European Union, but that he would be able to cope with the consequences. So if the euro is used, “the Church of the Society by the image of the Zusammenführen and of all possible pins”, concrete Ortner.

Stadtpfarrer Christian Hauser übergab Director Herwig Ortner Brot, Salz and Wein as a symbol of the new "Einzueg". | Photo: Nimpf

I am Anschluss und de Ansprachen-segnete Erzbischof Franz Lackner das Haus et al, die damn in Verbindung stehen. This statement is the real world of Kirchlicher and professional Bildungsvermittlung in debt in the Fokus. Religions and churches will never remain in the private privatization of fishing.

Unter einem Dach vereint

The freshly renovated Tagungshaus in Wörgl is a living Ort des Austauschs for church Einrichtungen. Neben Pfarr- und Jungscharräumen are organizations that manage the Katholische Aktion, the Junge Kirche and the Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule. A creative gestalteter seminar, the House organ, the Kirchenbeitragsstelle and the communal Bücherei von Pfarre and Stadt run by Angebot.

“The meaning of the work is carried out after the environment now includes more caring contributions and the thoughts that we have received – a symbolic writing that can help us achieve our own harmonious aspects”,

so Johannes Dines, director of Caritas Salzburg. It is the Caritaszentrum for people in Not, the Servicestelle Demenz and the social pädagogische Familienhilfe. “Soul and Idea were war, the Christian Einrichtungen an einem Ort zammen zu fassen und in Austausch zu bring. So they can do their best and also the Bildungsarbeit inspiring,” said Ortner.

Continue performing a Wörgl find here.
Aktuelle Nachrichten aus dem Bezirk Kufstein gibt is here.

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